Possibilities for My Future... - Comments

  • I agree with Blissed Out. I think you should look into both ideas and decide which one would be best for you. There are pros and cons to both. As you said, getting a roommate is no guarantee that they will care about you. But then again living with family could end badly if people do not get along. However, getting a roommate can help you gain your independence and living with your family can help you break free of that isolation. But I would still recommend looking into both of your options and do what is best for your mental and physical health. And as Blissed Out said, sometimes just the change of scenery alone helps. Either way, I hope everything works out for you. :)
    September 6th, 2014 at 02:43am
  • If you've not happy where you are (or if you're feeling isolated there), I agree with your mom that you should get out of there. Isolation can be very dangerous for your mental health and could pull you under even worse.

    I think you should visit both places and see which you think you could be happy in. I think if money is an issue (and having a roof over your head), moving somewhere where family is close is a good idea - so at least you can have someone to fall back on, even if it's just for a little while.

    Sometimes a change of scenery helps.
    September 5th, 2014 at 01:45am