Only the First Assignment for My Creative Writing Class and I Already Received a Lecture for Writing About a Controversial Topic. Whoops. - Comments

  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    Agreed. AP English in HS encourages that, as long as there's evidence that's cited to support your claim and it's written well, the teacher doesn't fuss too much. Really though, that kind of critical thinking is what's important and necessary in college / uni so don't even feel too let down by this specific teacher's. . .narrow expectations, for lack of a better way to phrase it.
    September 9th, 2014 at 02:22pm
  • Dom.

    Dom. (170)

    United States
    @ kitsch
    Haha I've had similar problems with my past English teachers too. The only one who didn't care was my AP English Language and Composition teacher. Luckily I'm in a Psychology class where we debate on things.

    @ Insanity's Artist
    In my honest opinion, everything can trigger someone so I think it just all depends on when and how you say it. I decided to mention abortion in this prompt because it's something people always ask me about me about when they find out I grew up in a Catholic family. I just need to work on the how.

    I totally get you though. Now I just need to get used to censoring for that class, haha.
    September 9th, 2014 at 01:19pm
  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    I understand a lot of people hate censoring themselves when it comes to controversial topics, but I honestly agree with it. I mean, not that you have to censor EVERY controversial topic, but there are some things that are really personal to people and can trigger a lot of passionate emotions. If it can be avoided, I feel it should be.
    September 9th, 2014 at 11:00am
  • kitsch

    kitsch (195)

    United States
    I have similar problems in English-centered classes. lmfao Think of it this way---in philosophy, sociology, etcetera you'll have PLENTY of assignments / time to debate and write about that stuff. I had a class solely based around debates, essays and revising hypothetical laws on physician assisted suicide, and the like. It was pretty stressful but so enlightening and a bit fun. tehe

    Typically, English teachers in my experience don't like those touchy subjects unless it's strictly a persuasive essay or something. My teachers don't say that my "writing voice" is an issue, just the fact that I can get wordy and overcomplicate simple things. Embarassed
    September 9th, 2014 at 03:39am