7 Movies That Won't Win the Oscar - Comments

  • Noah was... Eh. As a person who was born in a religious household and knows quite a bit about the Bible, it was off. There was a lot about it that was... I don't even know, unexplainable for me. Like I truly don't even know
    How put any of it into words. Lol
    September 15th, 2014 at 06:46am
  • I didn't even know there was a Frankenstein or Pompeii movie this year. Wow. :(

    I feel that no matter how entertaining an action movie is, it never stands a chance to win an Oscars. Like people think a movie can't be action filled and also meaningful. (Not that I think the Expendibles was supposed to be a meaning film or anything Shifty)

    And it's so weird that people are upset that Noah was too compassionate when, you know, if the Bible is to be believed, he went against all others and built the boat that saved humanity. But, they might be right, the Bible is a strange book and it's perfectly plausible that he was portrayed as an uncaring curmudgeon who was forced by God to save the world. XD
    September 15th, 2014 at 01:09am
  • I haven't watched any of those movies, but I have been interested in Pompeii (mostly because my favorite actress, Emily Browning is in it). What made it a snooze fest? I haven't heard many reviews.
    September 14th, 2014 at 11:08pm
  • The only one I've seen of these was Noah and I hated it. It felt like a sci-fi but there was no alien force... It was just odd. As a non-religious person, perhaps.
    September 14th, 2014 at 10:59pm