I Want All Types of Women - Comments

  • We were just talking about this in my genders and race class today! We were deconstructing "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf and it seems as if there has not been any kind of progression in the media, in terms of representing all types of women. I mean, we barely get any literary work that focuses on the relationship between women as friends or lovers or something in between, which passes the Bechdel Test (even though that is much later). We don't focus or celebrate women who flourish in their fields and have somehow passed all these barriers and glass ceilings, and when we do, we celebrate that culturally but fail to enact that socially. I think we should also try to show this in real life too because literally all I hear amongst my my friends is their lack of boyfriend woes rather than anything else, 75% of the time (I don't know if this makes sense it's like 12:30 am here and I am tired)
    October 1st, 2014 at 06:23am
  • This is something I agree with so hard. I am forever loving any show where different types of women are celebrated. I don't personally flip flop what I want for myself, but as far as characters go? I crave more diverse women representation - not just in body type and race, but in personality too. I adore any character you can't fit to a stereotype because their character is diverse and means more to that, but I also adore the dynamic of two vastly different women characters who are both seen as positive.
    September 26th, 2014 at 03:53am
  • Ah man, I feel this blog on so many levels. It would be really great to read about a girl who was rellenita, like plump all around and all of that jazz, or someone that wasn't all that attractive but was very vital in a story plot. *Sigh* Just yes to this blog Hail

    But seeing more variety in women in media/literature would be even greater. All shapes, sizes, and colors.
    September 25th, 2014 at 11:44pm
  • Quote
    And then there's other other times when I'm just like 'Fuck society, why should I want to 'pretty'?
    This is 150% my attitude to everyday life. When I started uni, I was so concerned with how I looked and what people thought of me as a person that it was basically eating away at my as a person and also taking a pretty nasty effect on my work because I was so concerned with being one of the 'pretty girls'. If I did that, people thought I was stupid or a bimbo. It makes me sad that we can't have the nice balance because now, I'm the absolute opposite. I don't even care how I look when I leave the house most of the time because I didn't want to be labelled as that stupid girl who cared more about makeup than her grades (actual quote someone aimed at me once, which was pretty hurtful).

    Honestly, I can't believe we still live in a society where women are still pressured to be all of these different people whilst still remaining absolutely sane and in control of emotions. It's crazy, not to mention impossible.
    September 25th, 2014 at 11:42pm