Fanfiction About Real People - Comments

  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Not Your Mascot

    Haha, it's fine :D

    Yeah, clubs are in the forum's sections, There's a whole bunch of them!
    Run by users who just have a passion for certain things :)

    Mibba has it's phases, Original gets big, then dies down a bit, then comes back. Haha, the story section is kind of like trends. I stopped writing person fanfiction. I have two that I'm going to finish, one's a group story and the other is just...idk, I just have a lot of readers and don't want to let them down, even though my hearts not in it anymore.

    I dislike the mini sites as well, just because he hasnt made any that I would participate in -.- Hahaha.
    October 9th, 2014 at 10:40am
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    @Proud Saiyan Warrior

    Oh haha it's totally fine! I've been here for ages, and did go through my fan fiction period but because I have gotten close to many band members both local and gone from local to big time, I'm now more sensitive to the fact that they may not like it and so I can see why it would be bothersome. I never knew this place was created for FF because when I first came here there was loads and loads of original work, and now that has kind of died out. Definitely not to knock anyone! I totally didn't meant to come off that way if I did, just as someone that has seen the changes of Mibba, I was honestly kind of disappointed with the separate sites - not because of the FF vs original, that was just a thought - but because I feel like it has kind of pushed some of us apart. That's part of the reason why I took my second hiatus.

    Thanks for your comment! I guess we are all just different as writers. Personally I don't hear my characters often, and wouldn't get mad to see someone writing about the characters because I differentiate between them being a creation of my imagination and something real to me. Just because they're real to me doesn't mean they are to others, if that makes sense, where as celebs are, obviously, real haha I guess I should have specified.

    And also, as an editor, I often see a lot of fan fiction that doesn't follow rules as opposed to very few originals that disobey rules, so I guess it's just a lot to do with different things that aren't necessarily fan fiction itself, but the authors and respect given towards the actual people that are being written about. And... there are clubes now? Or is this just something that has gotten big since my account was hijacked? Ah, I don't do conversation well when my anxiety is high, I'm sorry. I would love to chat with you though!
    October 9th, 2014 at 06:01am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Not Your Mascot

    Depends on your process, I know of a few artists who openly admit they are very attached to their characters. It's all the same to me though. Considering I do hear my characters voices with me, like I said, some.

    I know you're not talking to me, but I just wanted to answer your bottom question. The creator of this website (and all the others) is now a father and does not spend as much time doing things on here, creating new sites or the like. It is expensive and time consuming to do this, and we are so lucky to even have the sites that we do have. It's majority run by admins, who work tirelessly to keep everything in tip top shape as Dujo is unable to dedicate hours on end to making a new website. There is an original fiction searching tab which you can use, that filters out ALL of the fanfiction. This site should not have to change or be "cleaned up", it was originally a fanfiction website, created to make space on another website, we all moved here like 7-8 Years ago. The original section was added to try and make it more welcoming. I apologize and I truly respect your opinions but Mibba will never change. You cannot censor creativity just because someone doesn't like it.

    I know of many users who hate fanfiction and manage to avoid it just fine, I don't see why what other people is writing is an issue to you, as well as the feelings that celebrities may or may not be having. I'm honestly not meaning to sound rude, I always sound like this. I think there's also a forum section where it's entirely dedicated to Original Fiction, I've never been but it could be a nice little haven. Considering Mibba will always be this way, maybe just make an original fiction club or something, a place where fanfiction can't be thrown in your face :)
    October 9th, 2014 at 05:51am
  • pocahontas.

    pocahontas. (565)

    United States
    I refuse to join the argument here, I see some people have gotten really passionate. However, I do agree! There are pieces I have kept that won contests or I was really proud of. As a writer I do not do anything radical, such as incest, and my stories are very cis, cliche from the past. I was toying with the idea of editing them to be real characters instead of celebs, and because of this I think I might just begin that process.

    I definitely see the point you have as being these people are subject to seeing something and being offended or upset - even if they say they are not - where as characters created by real people will never see such things. There is the argument that the characters are real to the people that created them, but I would like to think that it is not in a way where these characters talk to the authors and say that they are upset over what people write about them. As in, it would be the author or creator who is offended and not the actual character, because however real in one's mind, the character does not hold space as a living human does.

    Thanks for writing this! Also I didn't really like the idea of separate sites. Why not just an original fiction, fanfiction mibba?
    October 8th, 2014 at 11:20pm
  • I feel insane

    I feel insane (110)

    I don't believe fan fiction is that big of an issue to the people who are the subjects of these stories; if anything, most celebrity figures who are aware of these stories are either cool with what we do or indifferent. At worst, they have the choice to avoid these stories at all cost. The reason some celebrities might be saying that they're uncomfortable with fan fiction in the first place is because select fans might be bombarding them with links to their own or other people's stories. They probably aren't seeking out these stories at will; that would be like being a supporter of gay marriage actively seeking homophobic group pages, and then acting surprised when you're offended by what you see. What I'm saying is that this has more to do with people being awful human beings rather than fan fiction directly.

    Again, as Proud Saiyan Warrior said, Mibba has always been a site for fan fiction writers, specifically starting out as a Green Day fan fic site. But in the mean time, I want to say that while I understand your opinion and respect that you don't feel the same way as most of us do, what's not cool to me is that I feel like you're trying to shame people in this community for creating art that they're passionate about, and that's not causing that much harm to begin with. Saying things like this site needs to be cleaned up just because you don't like RL fan fiction, or the whole "shine light on the entire group" thing, I just don't think that's right. Most of what I want to say has already been said by others (by Airi in particular), but none the less, these stories are still our art, and they mean something to us. To me, censorship is far, far more uncomfortable than the existence of a fictional story that you have the choice not to read.

    I don't mean to come off as rude, I just feel very strongly against telling people what they can and can't post.
    October 8th, 2014 at 03:26pm
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I write about real-life people in fan fictions but I'd definitely think twice about it if I knew it made them super uncomfortable.

    But then, lots of things make lots of people uncomfortable. Just because something makes someone uncomfortable, doesn't mean it should be banned. It would be different if fan fiction actually hurt people and affected their lives, but I don't believe that it does. Not alone. Fandoms do. I see just as many drawings of, say, Frerard, as I do stories, along with conversations and rumours and such, and yet it seems only written fiction is picked on excessively.

    I guess I just think that if it's not hurting anyone, it has every right to exist. If it crossed a line and was hurting someone, then it would have to be moderated.
    October 8th, 2014 at 11:23am
  • Aria T'Loak

    Aria T'Loak (150)

    United States
    Honestly, I agree with you - though perhaps on a lesser level. I'm not a fan of writing fanfiction about real people, nor do I like to read fanfiction about real people. I have read some in the past that were just wonderful, but it really just bugs me too much for it to be something that I could legitimately get into.

    Now, I don't have any problem with fanfiction about characters. I write and read a helluva lot of that.

    In my opinion, when it comes to real person fanfiction, the writer should respect the wishes of the person they want to write about. Like Airi said! I know not every famous person ever has stated explicitly whether they're okay with it or not, but with those that do speak up and say it's uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form, they should be able to rest easy because the writers will actually do as they say.

    I just think it's disgusting when someone feels uncomfortable with fiction being written about them, and people continue to do it anyway. Especially when it's explicit fiction. To me, it's on the level of making someone's nudes public. I don't know, maybe it's because of the interview I read from Jennifer Lawrence today in response to all of those nude pictures that were leaked of all those celebrities - I just feel terrible about it.

    So, in short - if someone doesn't care about fanfiction being written about them, then I say let the people do what they want. If the person in question doesn't care, neither should I. However, if it upsets them somehow, I don't think it's okay whatsoever.
    October 8th, 2014 at 10:01am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    There will always be bad people in every single group that is in existence. However, does having these bad people present really mean the group should be vilified and treated as if they're bad people for what they do? That's honestly the feel I got from this blog. I know I am probably misunderstanding the tone of the blog and I do apologize for it, but this is really how it came off. It came off as supporting the idea that all fanfiction writers should be vilified for the few (because yes, it is rare to see something like what happened with Lux) bad people in the art. And that's not true in the least bit. Real person fanfiction writers don't deserve to be automatically vilified or have their art censored just because of some bad people in the art. If they do, then shouldn't all art be censored? Because all art has bad people in it. I hope that was easy to understand; I'm a bit out of it from work and all haha. ^.^"

    I write real person fanfiction; most of my real person fanfiction is about SCANDAL or Silent Siren. Occasionally, I'll use other J-rock/J-pop artists as well. I suppose this is a difference in culture and everything but I know that SCANDAL and SaiSai wouldn't mind the fanfiction. Even if they did, they wouldn't show it. For Japanese artists, they would see the stories as a gift. Fans of J-music artists are very big on offering gifts to their artists as a sign of appreciation. However, not all of us can be present in Japan to attend their lives or events. Not even people who live in Japan can be present for that. Physical gifts are not possible for all of us and many J-music fans will never get the chance to offer their artists physical gifts. That is where things such as art and writing come in. Fans will draw photos, do cosplays, or even write something for their artists with the hope that their artists will see it. Even if they don't respond, we still feel some happiness in just having been able to send them a gift to show our appreciation for everything they do. So I suppose this is why I cannot imagine an artist disliking "normal" fanfiction (as in not what happened with Lux). I'm more into the Japanese music scene where most artists would never dream of insulting their fans, and I do feel like an artist calling "fanfiction" creepy is insulting their fans.

    I do feel like if an artist truly does not like it, the fans do need to step back and reconsider their actions. We should be considerate of how our celebrities are feeling, especially if we look up to them enough to write fanfiction about them. If SCANDAL were ever to explicitly state that they didn't want fanfiction being written then yes, I can openly admit that I would stop writing it even if I didn't want to. Out of respect for the girls' wishes. But I don't think SCANDAL would do that.

    As for ships... It too depends on how the artists feel about it and how far fans take it. SCANDAL, I'm pretty sure, is aware of the ships their fans have going on with the band - both between the members and with other bands. They don't seem to mind it; probably because they know, just as the fans know, that it is all a joke and nothing more. There are fans who take the ships way too far; it's important for everyone to remember it's just a joke and really doesn't mean anything.

    I suppose the point I'm trying to make here is that no, real person fanfiction should not be censored and should not be removed from the Internet. Real person fanfiction writers should not be vilified. Yes, we need to address the bad that is in this art but that does not mean we need to make real person fanfiction writers feel as though they're doing something wrong. Because there is nothing wrong with it.

    I'm not sure any of this comment made sense. Shifty I really do apologize if this comment comes out as nonsensical babbling. x)
    October 8th, 2014 at 08:47am
  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    It's funny that this blog popped up right underneath the one where Andy Biersack from BVB reads fanfiction about him. To tell you the truth, I like that Andy adopted a "do what you wanna do" mentality. With fame comes things like this, and while yes, I agree that some of them are completely gross, there are some really great ones.

    And they're called fanfiction, so most everyone who reads them knows that they are fictional, I don't know why it would cause a stir in real life. I'm a fanfiction writer and while I wouldn't want them discovering mine simply because it'd be too embarrassingly funny, I don't think it would drastically change their lives if they did. I'm sure that most bands/real people realize that these exist and they're created by people who're completely and totally in love with every aspect of who they are as bands/people.

    Quote that I love:

    “Fan fiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker. They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about. The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction. They're fans, but they're not silent, couch-bound consumers of media. The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.”

    - Lev Grossman, American novelist and journalist.
    October 8th, 2014 at 07:34am
  • based

    based (200)

    I don't even feel like going over every detail of why I don't agree with this and I barely even write fanfiction anymore, but the bottom line is; what's really the worst that could happen? The only possible serious thing that could happen is that someone could somehow blindly read one of these stories without realizing that it's fiction and think that it's true. If they're of any importance or relevance, someone who could really harm the life of the famous person, as soon as they raised the issue someone would tell them that they had mistaken a fucking fanfiction for reality [I think this happened with some baseball player which is why real person fiction wasn't allowed on for a while]. Seriously, what else could happen aside from that? I don't get why people would harass two famous people to date one another but if they do, that has nothing to do with fanfiction, and as for the baby thing or whatever - yes there is fucked up shit that shouldn't be written about, especially about real people. But that doesn't mean that all fanfiction is wrong. How would I feel if my neighbor wrote a fanfiction about me or a younger family member? Well if either of us were famous, I wouldn't give a shit to tell you the truth. But being that we're not, that's totally incomparable to this. Honestly, "anti-fanfiction-ism" is no worthy cause to be a part of. There are more important things to worry about other than millionaire celebrities getting weirded out by young girls writing something out of adoration for them.

    Edit: By the way, I'm totally not trying to attack you. I know I come on pretty strong when I'm voicing my opinion on something and this isn't even really something of importance to me. I see where you're coming from but I disagree.

    Also, I find it ironic that this was posted right after this.
    October 8th, 2014 at 07:30am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    I understand your opinion.

    However, If you feel this way, then I would assume by this blog that you're okay with fan fiction about anime/video games and the like? If so, why? Its exactly the same. Although they are not here in reality, they are real to the people who made them.

    Being a fanfiction writer myself, it honestly does not bother me that you feel this way, I was just interested if you feel the same about other mediums of fanfiction. I dont mean to sound like a bitch if I do, I'm really tired. Haha.

    If you're not comfortable with the amount of fanfiction here, there's a bunch of other websites that cater to original. Mibba will never change, been fanfiction here from the start considering that it was made for this purpose (from my understanding, to get us all here instead of clogging up GSB with work)
    October 8th, 2014 at 07:06am