Major Importance! Copyright Abuse! - Comments

  • This happened to me one time! Someone took one of my short stories off of here and posted it on creepypasta. When I messaged the mods asking if they would please take it down, I was just faced with more bullshit because 'what if I stole it from them and not the other way around?'
    Sorry this happened to you. I know it sucks.
    February 18th, 2015 at 09:34pm
  • Sorry double post.
    February 18th, 2015 at 04:13pm
  • Write this is the second case I've heard about plagiarism today, its sad when people feel the need to ripoff someone else's work and take credit for it.
    February 18th, 2015 at 04:13pm
  • @ Xiaholic

    @ shelbyvengeance

    Thanks to both of you for taking your time reading this and commenting. This is a serious problem among the writers community and it can happen to ANYONE. It happened to me and I was/am angry. I've informed the site and the stories aren't showing but shelbyvengeance you're right. I will follow your advice and search again in a few days. Thank you!

    It's a true shame people feel the need to steal what people work so hard to achieve. I remember there was a time I wanted to write, but everything I ended up with wasn't good enough for my taste so I didn't post it! I didn't go and steal others people's work. I joined Mibba and Fictionpress and read and grew, I learned. This matter is very bad and should be fought against! Please help spread the word or else more people will keep getting away with this awful crime.
    October 13th, 2014 at 12:19pm
  • I searched on Quotev for the stories and cannot find them. (I read your other blog). I would search again in a few days because quotev doesn't ban people for long. There is also the fact a lot of people will deactivate their accounts (making everything disappear) and reactivate it a few days later as if nothing happened. Then there is also the fact that most have multiple accounts.
    October 13th, 2014 at 05:18am
  • :o Gosh, that's awful! Dear Lord, the kind of people that do this...they must be pros at that game Limbo..."how low can you go?"

    Sorry to hear this has happened to you. :( I am always scared to post content because of this in truth. But should we be? No. Not at all.

    "People have to know that stealing content is punishable by law, but they should also know in their minds that it is wrong. It hurts people and they’re not actually achieving anything by lying to themselves." You could not have said it better! I'm so glad for you that you're taking action against it. It definitely seems the right thing to else will the person learn?

    Whilst I can imagine that something nasty might have happened to that person in order for them to do something so vile, it's still inexcusable and needs to be dealt with. I see or hear about this all too often...whether it be related to stories, songs, art...the list goes on. Go you! I hope everything works out for you as smoothly as it can.
    October 13th, 2014 at 01:48am