Welcome to the Continuance of My Life - Comments

  • Lightmydarkness

    Lightmydarkness (150)

    @Xiaholic a long time coming but I finally know my personality type. I'm an INFP :)
    March 19th, 2018 at 04:23am
  • Lightmydarkness

    Lightmydarkness (150)

    @Xiaholic I think we are really similar going by a few of the things I read in your comment hahaha. I have no idea what personality type I am to be honest, I've never tested it although it seems like it could be another similarity we have. I hate when people tell you that depression is so easy to handle or that nobody gets depression they just get sad and bitch and moan about it. I'm sorry but to me that is a really awful way of saying "I can't help, you're on your own fuckface" . I think the boxing bag thing is actually a pretty good idea to be honest and may actually turn out to be pretty effective.

    I totally agree with you on the society note, I just feel we try so hard to fit everyone into the same mold we forget that some people just want to be there own way. I'm not saying I think the idea of settling down and having 2-4 kids in a nice suburb would be terrible, but I'm not going to whither away and die of pain because of the fact that at twenty I'm yet to find "the one".

    It's all okay with the family stuff, I'm getting pretty used to it by now. I get down about it but really so many people have it worse than me. You are actually more of a help than you realise, just knowing someone is on my page or that they even take the time to read what I have to say is an amazing help. I absolutely agree with you in regards to time, it is a scale really sometimes time will help you and sometimes it will hinder you, it is like many things in life really.

    Thank you about the Children Services course, I can't wait to finish and rest assured I will most definitely be celebrating the end of assignments haha. That quote is one of the best things ever said in my opinion, it is one of of my favourite quotes and something I try and remember when I am really down in the dumps.

    If you ever need to chat or let any bad feelings out I know it isn't much, but you have a friend in me :)
    October 14th, 2014 at 12:09am
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    Oh my gosh, this is legit scary. I just babbled on about stuff in a blog and it's scarily similar stuff to what yours focuses on!

    "See my problem is that I have so many visions for what I want to do in life, that I can't make simple choices." This is totally me too...or it used to be. I'm not even sure any more. This might seem a bit random, but do you know which personality type you are? I am INFJ so I wonder if there's some similarity here which could explain it. I understand about the depression...I really hate depression. It makes me angry because it's scarily common, yet so hidden. Sometimes I wonder if I should buy myself a boxing bag and label it as Depression, then punch the absolute shit out of it. Would that make me feel better? Probably. What's so irksome about depression, though, is that it's faceless. Faceless yet deadly. I'm so sorry that you have experienced it and are still seemingly experiencing the remnants of it. I know it doesn't mean much, but I feel like we're almost on the same wave-length, or chapter, here. It's super weird. I have those feelings too! I am so scared that if I give into them then depression will take hold once more.

    Don't worry about not giving a fuck about love. ^^ I think it will come to a person when they are good and ready...no need to rush. I hate that society seems to adore moulding us all into one gigantic "happy guy and gal relationship with children" boat. I know that the pressure to marry is also a massive burden for some. I don't like that! It should be entirely the choice of the individual. For me, I am asexual so whilst I can't relate to and find it awkward when people come to me for relationship advice, I take great care not to just shake it off by saying "just be asexual like me". Because not everyone is the same, and that's exactly how it should stay. We're all different and I believe that's what makes us interesting and beautiful in our own ways.

    Sorry to hear that you're also having family problems. :( I wish I could help there but I can't...hopefully somebody else might have some awesome advice or experience to share regarding that. ^^

    All in all, I'm sorry that I'm not of much help, but I hope it brings some comfort to know that you're not alone. As we know, time itself can be a major energy drainer and make life seem hopeless. But just as time can be burdensome, it can also bring great, unexpected happiness. It's very hard to focus on something so uncertain, I know. If we just keep this in mind, though, let's hope that the more we believe in it the more it will become true. Sounds like you're doing great with your Children's Services Course! Remember to celebrate well when that final day comes!

    Love the quote at the end, BTW!

    P.S. Sorry for such a lengthy post! I always feel like I either have too much to write or not enough haha. ^^;
    October 13th, 2014 at 01:25am