Writer Problems: When Published Works Steal Your Ideas. - Comments

  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    @ Goku's Angel Hina
    Those are some very good points, so thank you. =) I guess sometimes I forget that I write because I actually, genuinely enjoy it. I need to remember that more often and just not give a damn about what anybody else is writing.

    LOTR revamp or not, that sounds awesome. =P
    October 17th, 2014 at 01:02pm
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Well I'm glad that it's different from yours ^.^ And if you mean the seasons story I mentioned in my comment, that's kinda....ehhh who really knows XD It's on my list to maybe complete one day. I think the idea needs to be reworked from when I first thought it up. I was having a hard time with imagining like, their kingdoms and stuff, so there's some stuff that needs to be worked on before I can even start it. But first I gotta finish my story I have going on right now XD Who knows how long that's going to take though v.v
    October 17th, 2014 at 06:34am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I agree with Cathy and Stevie. Nothing isn't completely original (how many books do you see featuring vampires, wizards, magical stones, etc nowadays? A lot!). But that doesn't mean you can't continue your story and try making it as different as possible. All that matters is the love for your story, not what everyone else would think. I once wrote a story that might as well have been a revamp of Lord of the Rings but it wasn't. it was just a story inspired by LOTR using a basic idea of a bunch of magical creatures and people of different races joining together to face off against an evil that threatens their world. So, I say write your story and don't worry about the published story because odds are it's going to be similar to most other YA novels too.
    October 17th, 2014 at 06:24am
  • Haylie Jaed

    Haylie Jaed (325)

    @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    You're right about nothing being 100% original anymore. It sucks, but I guess it's the way of things. And yeah, you're right. I actually went and found her plot, and it's nothing like mine, so I feel a little better. I guess it was just a shock.

    @ ladyschrei
    So it wasn't just me! D= I'd actually been hearing the title of the book for about a week now, but today was the first time I got a glimpse at what was inside. I went onto Goodreads and gave the reviews a read, and while they're mostly highly positive, it also showed me that the plot is vastly different from my own. Wikipedia sounds like a good idea, though. I know that tends to go more into detail.

    Thank you. ^_^ I'll keep writing. And I hope you're still planning/writing that story you planned a few months ago!
    October 17th, 2014 at 05:38am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Don't feel bad, I have a story idea I planned a few months back about the four seasons as kingdoms. I understand what you mean though, when you find a story, published or not, that's close to something of yours. I don't believe I've ever heard of the book, but if you want to look more into it, I would suggest either: reading the summary off Barnes and Noble, read the plot synopsis off Wikipedia or Spark Notes if it's on there, or you could look it up on Goodreads and read the summary/reviews of the book.

    Whatever you do though, don't give up on your story! Just because it's been done before doesn't make yours any less original, don't put yourself down about it Arms
    October 17th, 2014 at 05:15am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    Nothing is ever 100% original anymore. Stick with your work - It sounds wonderful and your's probably has something that her's doesnt. Don't let this stop you :)
    October 17th, 2014 at 05:07am