Something's Wrong. - Comments

  • @ Corvus.

    That makes sense, and I am getting better at that. I'm trying to find better coping skills. The weather just makes things hard. I like to use it as an excuse to drink hot chocolate and sing Christmas songs, but the truth is that the fog and the rain make me feel tired and down. But I like your advice and I will try my hardest to just tell the depression to leave me alone.

    @ Not Your Mascot

    Thank you. Arms

    I will definitely try that. I've been getting better at thinking positively and not turn back into my semi pessimistic ways. And, I swear, this winter is not going to be like the winters before. I don't want to get that bad. I'm going to try to keep a positive mindset and write more to keep from feeling like I am going to explode. I actually have some ideas for writing for once, and that's one thing that sometimes comes out of October and the winter months. More time indoors means more time to write.
    October 21st, 2014 at 03:23am
  • I can give you my cell number if you need it. For some reason, it's always worse for everyone during the winter months. It totally sucks, especially when combined with other daily life issues.

    Corvus. is right though. I've heard that by meditating on a thought for five minutes a day like "my depression is here, but it is not bothering me today" even if it is untrue helps to create neuron paths in the brain. This means even if something is untrue, you can make your brain believe it, and eventually you too will believe it. There are personal trainers that use the method to help people stop feeling down on themselves about their bodies, and everyone who does it says it helps. I tried it for about a week, and it really did help!

    Hopefully the weather won't be too bad, because that's definitely a factor to feeling down. Good vibes your way Arms
    October 20th, 2014 at 10:46pm
  • I think that's most people. You just have to distract yourself or keep busy, or tell the depression to get the fuck out. even though that's hard.
    October 20th, 2014 at 08:38pm