Depressing Seasonal Hunting - Comments

  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ Goku's Angel Hina

    I think it's just scary how they all die. I hate the visual and bone cracking noises and stuff. >.< It's certainly over the top killing.

    That sucks. I've been to a Walmart on black Friday. i think it was.....either last year or in 2012. My sister and me were in line to get a TV they were handing out in the food section. It was kind of annoying because our personal space was being invaded and there was an annoying kid behind us.

    I'm kind of not surprised Game Stop isn't like that They hardly ever seem crowded or busy and maybe people think they only sell used games and not new, latest whatever.

    My mom is definitely greedy with her money. she'll say she's broke and still go out and buy whatever she wants. But at this point she seems kind of desperate for me to get a job to the point she signed up to Snag a job and started to send me her daily job postings even after I told her that is the site I already use.
    October 25th, 2014 at 06:19am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I actually find the Jason movies to be a bit funny since the teenagers in that movie are always making the wrong mistakes. XD

    I think watching Freddy is best done in moderation because all the Freddy movies can be a bit scary, even for me.

    That's true. I just feel sorry for the ones who have to open the doors at stores like walmart because they're more likely to get hurt or trampled on or something. Oh wow. You got lucky over there then. The Wal*Mart I go to has crazy people always pushing and shoving just to get the best toys and shit. I'm just glad that Game Stop isn't like that.

    It seems like your parents are being a bit greedy with their money. I mean yeah they don't have to help you 100% of the time but you're not depending on them for everything. So, they shouldn't be acting like you're being irresponsible and whatnot.
    October 25th, 2014 at 06:08am
  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ Goku's Angel Hina

    The Jason movies give me nightmares. I can't watch no more than a minute or two of that franchise.

    Nightmare on Elm Street is coming on AMC tomorrow around noon. I don't know if I am going to tune into that. I'll probably watch a few seconds here and there.

    I think cashiers are the luck ones kind of. They aren't out on the floor so they don't have to deal with being pushed around. But yeah working during the holidays can be crazy. I've only had one retail job so far, but it was at a Kmart and we were closing so the only craziness I ever saw was just all the carts actually being gone and departments more messy than usual.

    Those were my thoughts exactly and after that day I said to myself that I am not accepting money from them ever again. Not unless I really need too like for gas to get to an interview
    October 25th, 2014 at 05:54am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    I find that blood and gore doesn't really bother me like it used to. But watching certain scary movies do give me weird dreams (like Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Freddy Kreuger).

    True but there are people who become full time workers if the employers like how they handled the holiday season. Personally, I wouldn't work during the holidays because of how extremely insane people can be on a black friday. I pity the workers at wal*mart, target, and all these other stores who have to open up on that day. Shifty

    That's horrible! If they give you money on your birthday, it's for you to spend because it's a birthday gift! Sad
    October 25th, 2014 at 05:45am
  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ Goku's Angel Hina

    The Chucky series creeps me out. Just about any scary movie does I figured out a way to watch some of them. I really want to see Texas Chainsaw and it's coming on tomorrow at 5. I just realized I can only watch scary movies during the day because at night I'm going to be freaking out.

    I kind of thought around March was the best time to look after the holidays since seasonal workers are let go in January. Kind of weird to start hiring again after that. Then yet I guess it makes sense if you didn't really like their work performance during the seasonal months.

    They most likely would be complaining about it. Now and days if they give me money it's to find a job. Even on my birthday this year I was given forty bucks and when I spent it my mom complained that it was to help me find a job. So no doubt that money will have some kind of strings attached to it this year if it happens.
    October 25th, 2014 at 05:39am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    You're welcome. I couldn't remember what his name was either, but I knew what you were talking about. Cute Ugh, I know. The whole story on Robert the doll creeps me out but yet the Chucky series doesn't. Think

    You're welcome. I"m sure you'll get a job of some sorts because October-February are the busiest months of the year since Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine's Day are so close together (especially Halloween, XMas, and Thanksgiving). Would they be bitching about giving you money to spend?
    October 25th, 2014 at 05:32am
  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ Goku's Angel Hina

    Yes thank you! So it is Robert the doll that does the head movement. Now I remember it was about pictures. Creepy.....

    Anyways thanks I agree. As long as I get a job by Christmas I will be happy. Ever since 2011 I have always had a job around the holidays. I would hate for my parents to give me money this year just so I have something to spend.
    October 25th, 2014 at 05:25am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    There's an article on Mibba that talks about a doll.


    And I hope you get one of the jobs you're applying for. Even if they're temporary. Money is money.
    October 25th, 2014 at 05:21am