Even More of a Reason to Not Bother With Church? - Comments

  • jerek sandcaster.

    jerek sandcaster. (100)

    United States
    Keep in mind something I think a huge amount of people forget: The Bible has been translated into various languages and honestly, our English ones are probably really screwed up. I've taken multiple foreign language classes to know that a lot of words don't carry the same weights on opposite sides of the language border. I personally don't really believe in the Bible. As many scholars have pointed out, the books for the Bible were chosen. Many were left out. Some of them, the Catholic church hurriedly discredits or tries to falsify because of the implications some of them have. Such as a gospel that was apparently written by Jesus. Hell, there's even a passage in the Bible where God got really pissed at a fig tree for not having figs on it, so he cursed it or something among those lines.
    October 26th, 2014 at 03:05am
  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ Brianna Marie

    It's just when my mom threw that out she made it sound like someone would commit suicide for the hell of it just to be with God. Though I've come to associate suicide with depression.

    But 'll do my research on it. My mom had given me a bible sometime last year though I don't think I saw anything about suicide in it.
    October 26th, 2014 at 12:52am
  • Teddi Manni

    Teddi Manni (100)

    United States
    @ Cashews

    That's great that you're doing your research!

    I would love to help you with the whole committing suicide thing, but all I have to say is that those who believe in God will be judged for past sins and stuff before the throne of God after you die (Romans 14:10). This doesn't determine if you go to hell. It's the faith that matters. Not the sin. So when committing suicide, you obviously only have that moment right then and there to ask for forgiveness for suicide; although, that's pretty harsh and ballsy.

    Just think of it this way because this is how it is in God's eyes: You are a beautiful and wonderfully made creation of God. He personally made you just how you are for Him, to serve Him with love not by force. Because he sees you as His own child whether you're an infant or eighty years old, he doesn't want you destroying your life on earth that he gave you to use for His kingdom. So you can see where the hurt lies if one were to commit suicide.

    Personally, I don't see God immediately not letting someone into His kingdom because he or she committed suicide.

    On that note, it is up to you to figure that out and what you believe because I believe in a patient and loving God :) And I don't believe there is anything saying such a thing as suicide means hell. Although God commands you not to do it.

    On the note of suicide, I think this is a pretty cool speech from someone who was about to commit suicide when she was sixteen.
    October 26th, 2014 at 12:32am
  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ hannahdollx

    That's what my parents always say. To go when I'm ready and when I want to. I would have just preferred to go with my mom instead of being some stranger at a whole new one though.

    @ Brianna Marie

    I think he did it just to feel important. That's how it came off anyway.

    That is exactly what my dad had told me that good things will happen but the relationship with god is more rewarding.

    I really just want to go to see if I agree with what's being said. What's in the bible. My mom had said that if someone commits suicide then they go to hell and that had just got me wondering if that's really in the bible or is it just something some pastor from another church said. I just need to know before I fully get into this and invest the time into it fully, it's something I can agree with.
    October 26th, 2014 at 12:20am
  • Teddi Manni

    Teddi Manni (100)

    United States
    That really irks me that this preacher guy is this way. That was utterly ridiculous and rude that he did that to the boy. And very ungodly and unloving.

    Don't worry about the whole personal gain thing for going to church. Everyone is selfish and mostly do things for selfish reasons. This is why God tells us that if we follow and have a relationship with him, we will be rewarded on earth and in Heaven.

    But just because you go to church doesn't say anything. Loads of people go to church even almost every Sunday of the year, but that doesn't mean that they are going to have all these amazing miracles happen. It's the relationship which brings more profit to the individual. In a way, God bribes us with those rewards and follow him like parents do to children to get them to what's best for their character and how they will live life :)

    "For whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek him." -Hebrews 11:6
    October 25th, 2014 at 11:50pm
  • Hannahdoll

    Hannahdoll (100)

    United States
    You should go because you want to go :)
    My boyfriend and I go every now and then. I grew up as a Baptist and now that I'm with him either we go to a non-denomination or to a Penecostal church. The first time I went to one of those I was like holy cow...because of the speaking in tongues, which I grew up not believing in. We don't really go as often as we should, but I always feel like I get something out of it wherever I end up going. Since I've been with my boyfriend, things have changed for me and it's a good thing.
    October 25th, 2014 at 10:26pm