Mcdonald's Is Hiring - Comments

  • Cashews

    Cashews (245)

    United States
    @ Audrey T

    Thanks. I already submitted an application. And yeah if I do get hired I will continue to look.

    I feel like the seemingly good environment and being nice to customers is a facade. I mean it's customer service so they have to be nice to customers and the employees have to present a good environment. Not to mention this food chain already seems to have a bad rep for treating their employees not so well and I actually got to experience that.

    If this turns out to be a good McDonald's though I'll be colored impressed. I hope it was just the one I was working at and not the actual McDonald's company as a whole. And I hope if I do get hired and leave it will be on good terms.
    October 30th, 2014 at 08:34pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    Job hunting sucks and jobs in retail suck even more. But if you really need a job (and you only plan to be there for a few months through the holidays) and you're finding you can't get hired anywhere else, you should probably put in the application.

    Even if it turns out to be fairly awfully, you're only planning to be working for them for a little while, so at least you'll have a finishing point to look forward to. And while you're working there (if you get the job), you can still keep applying to other places and hopefully be able to move on to something better.

    Besides, if it's a McDonald's you're familiar with and the people and the environment seems good (the employees seem happy, appear to work well with each other, and are genuinely pleasant with the customers), there's a good chance that working at that McDonald's will be much better than the one you worked at previously. (Sometimes who you're working with makes all the difference.)
    October 30th, 2014 at 07:58pm