Just Stop. - Comments

  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ aubree james.

    Im replying as I read so it makes sense. Lol. [Your not a bitch btw, sorry if I sound like one, NaNo stress - We all got it atm, Plus it's that time of the month Facepalm]

    I'm not putting them down, I'm stating my opinion. I could have put them down, and in my mind I was, but I couldnt bring myself to actually voice those opinions because the fact of the matter is, I'm not sinking to their level. They are litterally saying gamers should have been aborted. I stand by my offending opinions.

    I'm not saying that's not okay? I honestly do not care what people do to sell things. I don't know anybody who turns off game of thrones simply for a penis being shown, if an adult can't handle seeing another person's body part (for no reason, I understand if they have some sort of trauma or something) then I question their maturity to be honest. We all have private parts, it's not something to be ashamed of or nervous about. I don't get the relation you're trying to provide between an actual pair of tits/dick and pixelated privates. One's real, one's not. I don't even know of ONE video game that isnt banned that shows private parts. The only game that I know of that has such things is banned in almost every country and deserves to be as it depicts rape.

    Well that's odd. As an Automotive Engineering student, I didn't deal with any of that. People were polite and had nothing sexual to say in concerns to me. They treated me like an equal. Like I said, it's a people thing, not a man thing. It depends on the people you're dealing with. Some have a higher maturity level than others. I sympathize though, I have had comments in the past but I shut them down by fighting back - That's the difference I think. Most girl's won't stand up and fight against a male - I think that's why I'm left alone a lot because they know that I will punch them if they cross a line and start being sexist.

    I'm not putting them down? I'm saying I respect them. How is respecting them putting them down? I'm simply asking them to leave me alone and stop trying to covert me because I'm a woman "so I am anyway". Someone has actually said that to me, and I don't appreciate being labelled BY THEM as being a feminist because I have a vagina and I care about people. I detest most of what they stand for in all honesty, so it's offensive to me when they try and force me into their way of thinking. And this isnt even feminazis, this is feminists doing this. It's like the Jehovah's Witness.

    I fully understand it. Did you actually read what I had to say? I was only bringing up a few points and I'm actually complaining about two separate issues in the same blog, I just mixed them into one because it's easier than actually writing everything out like a long essay. I'm not saying it's about me; I'm saying that EVERY FEMALE GAMER I know, online and off thinks this is harmful to the gaming community and it causing unjust trouble. I'm perfectly allowed my opinion, It's obvious that you don't understand my train of thought and that's alright, no harm no foul. I find it difficult to explain myself online as I am not allowed to say 100% my thoughts and feelings about things. I understand feminism and I respect feminists. Your finishing line sums up my annoyance 100%, I am sick of feminists telling me that I dont understand, Just because I think and feel something different. It's the same line everytime I have an opinion on something. I'm one of those people that ignores others opinions and decides things for myself. I read up about the movement, I ignored pros and cons and I just decided it wasn't for me. I had no hatred towards it until recently [however not over the gaming issue, it was an ad campaign that pushed me over the edge to the dark side]

    I also, think that it was a ridiculous idea to name a movement for equality 'feminism'. It's already singling people out no matter what anybody says. The word puts men off because it feels like you're against them. You can't justify that either. The name should have been changed when the movement evolved.

    TL;DR: I have nothing against feminists, I do however have a thing against those who identify as such, whether they be feminists or not, telling me that I am one when I find the majority of the modern movement detestable.
    October 31st, 2014 at 07:20am
  • aubree james.

    aubree james. (300)

    NaNoWriMo 2015
    At the risk of sounding like a bitch, this is my opinion, and I suppose you can delete it if you feel like I oppose you:

    Look, I get what you're saying. But I do feel personally offended. I don't think you have the right to put down people who have different personalities then you and act differently online. Everyone has a different life with different battles. This should always be respected.

    I am offended by the outfits and the pixelated cleavage. I'm not offended by it in my everyday life, because that's her body and I think she gets to dress however the hell she wants. I'm just offended that someone feels the need to over sexualize something to the point that it doesn't even make sense. And if it'd not to attract more viewers then why do it? Why do so many people want to turn off Game of Thrones the moment they see a penis? Why is it okay to sell things cars by rubbing your breasts on it, but not a male's crotch?

    As a female engineering student I have dealt with boys in my labs and lectures not wanting to be my partner because I'm a girl, and more then that I am a 'white girl'. I have been over sexualized, I have been put down, and I have been told that I am stupid, because I am a girl. I have been told this by my peers and by one of my profs. I have been told this despite being a student in the most innovative engineering program in Canada.

    Feminism is a sensitive topic and while you are certainly capable of counting yourself out you shouldn't be putting down people who do choose to self identify.

    The feminist movement has some overbearing points, but it's not about you, and it's not about video games. It's about equality. It's about equality for the entire spectrum of gender that envelopes our planet.

    And I am sick of people not understanding that.
    October 31st, 2014 at 05:32am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    Feminists don't slam men. As soon as I see that, I no longer call said person a feminist. Two wrongs don't make a right :/

    Ugh, I'll join you. We can build a little tunnel together. I assume they build tunnels haha
    October 31st, 2014 at 04:15am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Join the Masquerade

    Well there is a few indie developers that are females and have attempted to make games. The trouble is 1. They have no budget 2. The major one was a huge feminist and she totally slammed any and all men, leading to no one wanting to buy her game. She threw a massive hissyfit and just gave all female developers a bad name. She couldnt handle the crit.

    I just found this thru one of the bloggers I follow, and this is kinda what I'm talking about. People telling others to go kill themselves for opinions and other such things. People saying that gamers should of been aborted. It's just fucking horrible. I'm so fucking disgusted to be a human being right now, I'd rather be a dung beetle tbh.
    October 31st, 2014 at 03:41am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I feel like men do use it as another platform to hurl abuse at women sometimes and I feel for anyone that's had that happen to them but it's not the fault of the games. It's just how it is with everything. I don't really care what women wear in video games or that all the action heroes are men or that characters like Duke Nukem exist. I can differentiate between a game and real life. Video games aren't supposed to be realistic.

    It would be nice if there were more women leads and such but it's the game producers game. It'd be like someone coming up to a writer on here and telling them they needed to write about more of a certain type of character. No one has to do that.

    I think those complaining should make their own games catered to women and I think they'd be brilliant but I don't think it's fair to pick at the entire industry and say that ALL women want more games catered towards women because that's just not true. Even when I can play as a female I pick a guy.
    October 31st, 2014 at 03:33am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Join the Masquerade

    Exactly. There's blame on both sides!

    My boyfriend plays the more "girl" games like Sims, while I'm more into the war games. I think video games are for everybody, not just one gender. I've never been excluded, if anything I've been welcmed and they find out later that I'm a female and nothing changes. It's all skill based, not gender based and it pisses me off when someone says that "Video games were made for men so they can be sexually gratified". I'm heavy into gaming and I've NEVER ran into anybody who uses video games as a way to get off.

    People issues. Once more people can own up and say "we as PEOPLE have a problem", things will actually start getting done.
    October 31st, 2014 at 03:21am
  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I sorta feel what you're saying and sorta don't. Like, a lot of the time I don't care too much about feminism. I would say I am a feminist, but I hate when people go on rants about "bad" guys and "fuck" guys and "rude boys" and all these things and then go off and list a billion things that guys do wrong on a day to day basis. Like, oh, a guy asking a woman to smile. I'm damn sure I've had women do the same thing, ask me to smile when it's none of their business, and I find that just as irritating.

    I feel like a lot of feminists dump people issues on men and it'll never get solved that way. Kinda like slut shaming, too, when that's dumped entirely on men. Women do that too, often worse than men.

    And this is one of those things where yeah, I think it's more of a people problem. Because for every guy you get saying that women shouldn't play video games, you get women saying "lol, video games are for boys". Neither side is a saint with this issue. I can't believe how much of an issue this is. If you don't want to play, don't play. If you don't like that women are playing, just ignore it.

    I've never really come across problems playing video games as a woman. I don't play online much anymore but I used to, and no one cared what gender you were. I think it's a bit harder if you have a mic because then it's very apparent what your gender is and yeah, you get the odd stupid comment from some guy telling you to get back in the kitchen. But you pwn them and move on. I play a lot of Minecraft online and that's a younger audience and I've never ever seen issues related to feminism in that game. You can have a girl skin and not be picked on. People don't tend to exclude you from a group in that game for being a girl, but rather from not playing the game very well. It's very fair. If you suck, you're out, and even then there's people that will stick with you and help.

    I dunno man. This annoys me too, is what I meant to write. It's an issue with society, not with video games. To turn it around, there are men that play and mod for the sims and they are assumed to be women as a general rule, because men don't play the sims. Just like women don't play shoot 'em up games. But this view is an issue that society has, not video games.
    October 31st, 2014 at 01:08am
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    I can't say I know much about the Antia woman. But the one I was shocked about was Felicia Day, I personally really, really like her as an actress and a gamer. She's pretty chill, most of the time and what happened to her wasn't cool - not at all.

    Yeah, I've seen that, too. xD The ones I laugh at are, "Hey, I'm a chick, free gold?" Like wow, really. But to be fair... I've had guy friends pretend to be girls so they get freebies. Shifty Like gee, thanks, guys you give us girls a bad name. lmao

    There's always those who take it WAY too far. Facepalm Like they'll try and say the reason it was drawn that was to put women down... when in actuality it was drawn that way for appeal. Sometimes it works, other times I'm like wtf would you draw it that way, it's ugly. Facepalm Some women are looked down upon, not just in gaming but as another blogger today has pointed out music. But that's something that has to be fixed as a whole and some will drag it out to make it seem like men are evvvil. Dem feminazis.

    And just to throw out there, I don't classify myself as a feminist. The term is too negative these days, and the moment you say you are, people stop listening. I believe in equality across the board.
    October 30th, 2014 at 11:47pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ delirium.

    I agree with ya. I will say that I just can't trust anything that Anita woman says now that it's been proven she lied about the earlier death threats (source was on the facebook page, Anti Feminazi, I'll have to go thru and find it later)

    I correct people as well with "mate Im a chick" then i usually get "Oh sorry" haha. Nothing wrong with that, it's the ones that burst into lobbies and go "HEY EVERYONE, IM A GIRL, WHATSUP!" (I've actually heard that, I honestly facepalmed)

    There are games that take the whole revealing clothing thing way too far, and those need to be addressed - I agree whole heartedly with that. I'm mainly only talking about the bullying aspect and the 'women are looked down upon' fact, although there is larger parts to be explored most deff.
    October 30th, 2014 at 11:37pm
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    Personally, it would be great if people would stop separating the issue as simply "men or women" it's, as you said, a people issue. However, GamerGate isn't just all 'hah-hah' simple cyber-bullying. It is anti-women. And it wouldn't be so bad if it was just cyber. These people purposely attack those who they know don't support them by handing out REAL LIFE information. I would never want to be in a situation where some weirdos could call my house, call my family, and friends and their family and tell them how I'm a whore, a skank, or such a worthless PoS. It's not a man vs woman thing, it's a people problem where people need to get together and fix it.

    And... sometimes clothing does bother me. I get tired of online games and seeing these badass armor for men with awesome shoulders and chest pieces and then since I 10/10 play female I get... nipple covers and practically a thong and knee pads. I played a game, ASDA to be specific, which was known to be kid friendly... and out of the cashshop (which is where all the good armor was) the men got these awesome clothes... and a friend bought the female version. Was ugly having to look at a friend's character's ass hang out basically.

    Which is why I like WoW... if the players want to play a skimpy woman - they can. If they want to have equally badass armor with awesome pieces that covers every inch - they can. That should be more widely put in gaming. Just the choice. Just saying "don't buy it/play it" that cuts out so many games. I've played too many where the woman has to wear a hideously short skirt and tight shirt or some kind of useless attire that does not at all fit the situation.

    I do think that people blow certain things out of proportion. Like gamer guys HAVE to be against women - which isn't the case. Or it's just this or that. But have to agree with some of the things I have seen and heard. I have a friend who used to work at GameStop and I cannot even begin to tell you how many times she would go home crying because of something her boss would tell her or the male customers would come in and tell her. And that was a man vs. woman thing - no one took her seriously as a person. But that's not ALL men, ALL gamestops, or ALL gamers.

    And... I do correct people that I am female when playing a game. I don't want to be seen as a male. I was doing great in a raid and I got, "w2g, man" and all through-out the raid was sexist jokes so at the end, I did tell them I was a woman and that's why I got top DPS. Shifty I'm not a man, I prefer female characters, and don't see why I should hide my gender because trolls think they can be assholes. Not that I go out of my way to say I'm a girl, gimme goldz. Just, don't confuse me with a male.

    Butttt I don't agree with women who think they are owed things - but that's with me and people in general. I don't owe anyone anything because of their issues with whatever, and no one owes me anything. If I want something I speak up but don't expect people to bow down simply because I are womenz - hurr meh roar. Yaknow?
    I am so sorry for the long ramble.
    I sorta agree with this. Some people will blow it out of proportion, but some cases are far more terrible than we'd like to admit. People need to come together and correct certain beliefs on girlgamers, and really don't feed the trolls.
    October 30th, 2014 at 11:31pm