-le sigh- - Comments

  • Hun. A) You should SO apply to Temple. Amazing campus. I've seen pictures, but I'm sure they don't do justice.

    B) I'm so fucking sorry I haven't noticed anything. I really am. I should be there for you. And I can't really find a valid excuse. I'm just really sorry.
    October 1st, 2007 at 02:29am
  • Tasss... :(

    I'm sorry you feel sad.
    I've always considered you as one of my best friends on here.
    For real.

    ILY fanTAStic Tasness. -hug-

    My viola buddy, mod-turned-admin that once gave me the best review on Don't Take My Brother and made me feel special in my no0b days and has the 10000000000 watt smile and sent me a PM in one of my darkest hours and gave me a bit of light and hope and... Snickers.

    You're irreplaceable.
    September 29th, 2007 at 10:27pm
  • I LOVE animals.

    I know it doesn't really matter but I just feel left out sometimes.

    And I don't think you're annoying. ;)
    September 28th, 2007 at 11:05pm
  • I'm guessing you like animals? Zoology could be an interesting career to go into. Hope you get in.

    I don't think it's really important whether you should have a best friend on here or not. I think it's more important just to have friends. You're not just good for giving advice, and I'm sure you're a really nice person...but I don't know you that well though. You probably think I'm hell annoying, but if you ever want to talk you can just PM me?
    September 28th, 2007 at 09:06pm
  • hyper depressed? lol. eh, who cares what ya look like, we're all ugly bastards anyways, right?

    pep rally? ah, the joys.
    September 28th, 2007 at 07:02pm
  • I don't talk to you much [or at all] but....you really deserve a hug. If I was there next to you, I'd give you one.
    September 28th, 2007 at 06:58pm