Over. - Comments

  • :( Poor horsie and I'm sorry you're stuck with horrible people! >.< Arms
    November 21st, 2014 at 11:05pm
  • @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    It got spooked from a biker while they were out riding. :(
    Yes, very much so...
    November 21st, 2014 at 10:59pm
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    Day-um! 0_0 That's even more crazier than i thought. Forgiving him shows you have good heart though. Arms

    How did she fall off her horse? Is his sister stuck up? >.>
    November 21st, 2014 at 05:13pm
  • @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    Because they actually believe they know everything and that they are right - no matter what. I actually dumped him because of his family meddling in shit, trying to control me as well. He did cheat on me - but I didnt care because I honestly stopped caring about him way before that, I had my eyes on Joel back then (Backstory: I met Joel thru my ex, they were kinda friends and we shared all our friends sorta thing) so I just didnt give a shit that he was cheating - I only stayed for Adalia. Then when I dumped him (I texted a mate of ours - asking him for advice) he freaked out and said he was gonna stab our mate (he actually kidnapped me and everything, but me being me, didnt call the cops and I forgave him) and then he tried the 'I'll kill myself if you don't take me back' thing, and it just got so insane. He's a loose unit from years of his mother giving him whatever he wanted.

    Oh Joels family could help, His mother is more than happy to beat the living shit out of my ex, hahaha. But financially, no. She helps out where she can for us, but ever since she fell off her horse she's had to cut back on hours at work - We don't want to ask for more money. Joel refuses to ask his step dad for help (he had a rough childhood with him, they are okay now but things are still weird for Joel). And I would never ask Joel's sister for help - Not like she'd give it anyway. She's one of those people.
    November 21st, 2014 at 11:36am
  • Oh GOd, that's just ridiculous. Why the hell would she endanger her own granddaughter?! Grr
    Aha that's funny actually. lmfao Can Joel's family possibly help out?

    Ugh if only he was real. Cry
    November 21st, 2014 at 10:13am
  • @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    She is aware - Infact shes the one that told him I was making the allergy up. His mother's a piece of work.
    At least with Joels mum, she just gets drunk and breaks things and begs me for grand children and then tries to make me dance.

    Yep, this is why we need the great saiyaman.
    November 21st, 2014 at 10:07am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    Aha i know. That's definitely a good idea. If the ex's mom is at the core of this problem (which I'm assuming she is since you said she controls him) then definitely have some way of setting her straight. Is she aware that her son tried to put your daughter in the hospital?

    Damn, I forgot about that. >_< Damn if only the laws in any place weren't so fucked up! It seems like no matter where you look, no one cares about proper justice!
    November 21st, 2014 at 09:50am
  • @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    Hey, I'm 100% against the murdering. Haha. I was trying to call my uncle to see if he'd go over to his place and have a lovely chat with his mother (his mother controls him), just warning her to stop all this drama or her life is going to get very difficult. He's a scary looking dude, haha. Tbh, If I was keen on the murder, I'd do it myself - I am a Saiyan Prince. But in all honesty, I'm not planning a murder. Haha.

    I can declare that, but once I do that I loose custody of my daughter and I'm no longer allowed to work (I have to go on a benefit and do a whole bunch of courses) - Which is so stupid because you'd think they wouldnt make shit worse but they do. Our country is so backwards, ugh.
    November 21st, 2014 at 09:46am
  • Definitely no murdering, Stevie -- even if your daughter's dad is a butt (i'd say worse but it'd be bashing so yeah... excuse the childishness). I'm sorry that you're going through all of this. Maybe there is a way to go to your uncle without him and the gang resorting to murder or violence in general. Like maybe you can ask them to speak to your ex (in a civil manner. XD) and lay down the law as to where your daughter is concerned, you know? Because it sounds like the ex is deliberately putting you in this situation. You can always declare bankruptcy if there is such a thing over there.
    November 21st, 2014 at 09:43am
  • @ requiem.

    Haha, I don't plan on doing anything to him. I just wish I didnt care and that I could ya'know? I could never do it. Ever. I couldn't let anybody else do it either. After all - before anything else he's my daughter's father. Despite the fact his a spineless fuckwit. My boyfriend just wants him to get the bash, haha, since he's never actually been hit for his smart mouth before - It probably would do him some good to get punched.

    The only thing I'd ask the gang to do is just have a word with him. The older guys would respect my wishes - but their younger members arent so kind, so that's why I can't go to them. Which is actually really sad, because the older guys are lovely and they'd just tell him to pull his head in or his car would go missing (his most prized posession) Haha. I really do love knowing gang guys, they're the sweetest (if you arent on their bad side)

    Thanks man. I just needed to get my rant out. I'm so sick of everyone saying 'kill him', lol, cause that would soooooo help me. I don't think they realize that I'd be the first person looked at if he died in an odd way. They just don't get it. Then again, I do live and play with violent people, what can I expect. It's odd to think I used to be like them. My boyfriend called me from up north and told me that our mate is working on writing down some stuff for court - so we have another statement that he's crazy as shit. So that's helpful - Now I just need to go stand on a street corner to make them dollars for the bill, haha. I can't even be upset about my situation anymore - I'm morbidly calm. Maybe it's the universe telling me it'll work out?
    November 21st, 2014 at 09:37am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    But if you do go that route, dude, don't make a blog about it but I don't know what the police are like in NZ, so you might be all good. XD On a serious note, I really do hope that somehow someway shit works out for you and your daughter.
    November 21st, 2014 at 08:48am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    Unsure I ain't even got words, but yeah, no-go.
    November 21st, 2014 at 08:40am
  • @ requiem.

    I don't think so either. Hence why I refuse to go that route, despite the fact it's being threatened to me.
    November 21st, 2014 at 08:20am
  • Ummm I don't think murder is a good option??
    November 21st, 2014 at 08:01am