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  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    DAY-UM! That's a lot of chapters. 0_0 It's always good to try aiming for a higher goal. But don't push yourself too hard on writing it though.

    (What kind of plans? Seduction? ~~) XD Kidding. XD Don't tell me. lmfao

    Well, doubting some is good but try focusing on why you love him and what brought you two together in the first place you know? Because doubting too much will definitely push him away. Arms Try not worrying too much about him.
    November 22nd, 2014 at 06:13pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    I'm going all the way from Twilight to Breaking Dawn part 2. I figure about...maybe 60 chapters? If I rush things and don't change too much storyline wise, but again, it could be more or less, depending. I'm going to try writing longer chapters though, so it'll probably be under 60 if I manage to do that.

    Yeah - I just kinda hope he's not back before I get home from seeing her (I kinda have something planned now...devious mind of mine)

    Yeah, he's one of those, go with the flow kinda guys, thats why I worry about him sometimes. He's a drifter really. I mean, he spent most of his adult life living in a car, one of the things that attracted me to him - his endurance. I mean, at the time he was sitting on a fortune (inheritance) and he just spent it on everybody else around him, whilst still living in his car. I think I was the only one that didnt take anything from him when he was rich...so my love is pure...it's his I worry about.
    November 22nd, 2014 at 05:51pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    How many chapters do you have planned out? Shifty

    But still, it's better than being alone, you know? I mean she's your mom so you'll at least have another adult with you until he comes back.

    Well, it's like they say, not every relationship is perfect, and if you love them enough set'em free, and if they come back then it was meant to be. I'm sure he loves you a great deal. He seems to be a happy-go-lucky guy who only wishes for your happiness. <3
    November 22nd, 2014 at 05:44pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    I think so too, just sat down and finished it all - wrote out scenes and stuff that i want to replace aswell, I have so much dialogue changes -.- haha

    Nah, Me and my mum...we dont...we're not really close ya'know? She's taking me out to the movies today, but I havent been able to sleep, so I'll probably fall asleep and she'll get mad but eh. She gave me some money before to get some more food and smokes, so I'm a little calmer about everything now. Joel should be back within 12-24 hours...if he keeps his word. I just...I miss him, but I hate him. Our relationship has always been like that...love/hate. Idk.

    Yeah, the money is deff causing all the problems - when we had money we were perfect, well, near perfect. And now...Idk, I told him to move back up north and get his old job back and that he could come see me in the weekends, but he won't leave - I evenn tried dumping him andhe knew I was lying to myself and him. I just...I hate to see him unhappy because of my issues...I dragged him into this entire thing.
    November 22nd, 2014 at 05:01pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Trunks can definitely fit Jasper's role. i mean they have similar personalities. c:

    Maybe you can stay with your mom so you're not alone? That's a bit scary. o_o Could you possibly do something together when he gets back. It's understandable how you act and feel. Not everyone is good at expressing their feelings in general, let alone towards other people. I wasn't ever lovey dovey with my ex either. Maybe he thinks he's helping you by getting money so you won't feel stressed, you know? It seems like money is stressing both of you out
    November 22nd, 2014 at 02:49pm
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Trunks can definitely fit Jasper's role. i mean they have similar personalities. c:

    Maybe you can stay with your mom so you're not alone? That's a bit scary. o_o Could you possibly do something together when he gets back. It's understandable how you act and feel. Not everyone is good at expressing their feelings in general, let alone towards other people. I wasn't ever lovey dovey with my ex either. Maybe he thinks he's helping you by getting money so you won't feel stressed, you know? It seems like money is stressing both of you out
    November 22nd, 2014 at 02:48pm
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    I think it could be. Although it's gonna be hard, but I'm going to try fill all the roles with DBZ characters - coz ya'know, hilarious factor x1000. Plus I love Bulma/Vegeta/Goku triangles. My only issue though is trunks....I want him in the story, but I want it to end like Breaking Dawn with JacobxTheir Daughter. But since Trunks is a boy...Idk, I was thinking of maybe moving Trunks to be Vegeta's brother (take over Jaspers role) Whatcha think? Or should I just can this entire thing?

    I could call him, but to be honest...I don't know if I want to. Our relationship is kinda weird at the moment, we still love each other - but he's been so crap at showing lately. He spends all his time trying to make money and he just....kinda ignores me now, sad thing is he doesnt think he is. So I'm just gonna act like I don't give a fuck about him until he comes back. Even then I'm going to give him the cold shoulder. I mean, I spent all day crying before he left and he just left anyway. Sad thing is, when he was leaving I went into the automatic 'i dont give a fuck, fuck off then' thing I do. I made him think it was okay, when deep down he probably did know it wasnt. But I pushed him away anyway. He can't call me - He has no credit, so he can't even get on fb on his cell. I've been talking to our friend though who he's staying with atm, and they apparently got really drunk last night, so idk. This is our first time apart since we got together over a year ago - He's been attached to me, like a blanket - and now he's gone. I feel really weird about it.

    I have this thing about being alone...because everybody always leaves me. I don't trust anyone, and now that he's gone away I just...I feel like he doesnt really love me like he thought he did. We're both crap at showing it, i can admit that, but I do love him, and it hurts that he's not here when I need him. I have night terrors when I'm alone, I had one last night and it was horrible and it was even worse when my mum called this morning because she woke me up after I'd finally collapsed from exhaustion. When I was talking to her, I wiped my face and dried blood came off, and sure enough when I looked in the mirror - I had fingernail scratches everywhere. He's gonna see that and feel like shit about it and it's just gonna cause me to tell him to fuck off again. Fuck we're crap with feelings. I wanted to do stuff with him this weekend too...ugh...I just don't know anymore, I feel like I'm holding him back with all my fucked up insecurities and issues with people. I'm reclusive and he's not...

    It just sucks to think that after four years of being madly in love with each other, we finally get together and it's just...horrible and beautiful at the same time.
    November 22nd, 2014 at 08:11am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    This sounds intriguing.

    Can you call him? :(
    November 22nd, 2014 at 06:40am
  • Subject A-5

    Subject A-5 (250)

    New Zealand
    @ Hina's Prince Trunks

    as odd as it sounds. Yes.
    I was going to make Bella into Bulma, Edward into Vegeta and Jacob into Goku. Plus I was going to change a few things. There will be no bullshit Bella emotional steamroller and no amazingly insanely loving Edward. It will be loosely based off Twilight, they will still retain their characters - just Vegeta will be a vampire, hahaha.

    I'm depressed because I miss my boyfriend so I've been watching the Twilight movies and I think I really could make it work...maybe...
    November 22nd, 2014 at 05:56am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Dragonball. Z and Twilight you say? 0_0
    November 22nd, 2014 at 05:35am