My Opinion Mibbians - Comments

  • @Lex Luthor
    I get that, i meant like doing it once or twice is okay. But after every chapter or two is just insane. No one is perfect. Mistakes are going to be made. Also i agree with the lack of substance comments. I forget about those. Just saying cool story or update or interesting is not enough. Some people need the why answered.
    November 27th, 2014 at 08:47am
  • I like your prospective on it! It's very refreshing.

    I feel like there are three types of comments though. The ones that make you super happy, the ones that destroy your world, and then the ones that lack substance.

    I mean, I do appreciate that people take the time to comment to say they love the story, but I'd also like to know WHY they like the story, y'know?

    And I think the people that pick out your grammatical errors and typos are just people who truly want your story to be at it's best.

    Best wishes Smile
    November 27th, 2014 at 08:39am