Rant - Comments

  • nvm.
    November 30th, 2014 at 08:00pm
  • please leave this blog.

    We have given you news sources with tons of information to back it up. You don't wanna consume, fine. But the last thing you're going to do is harass me and fellow users on this site.
    November 30th, 2014 at 07:26pm
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    Actually the Internet has better coverage than the news. There are news channels that are completely biased. By the way, were you not told to stay away from this blog by me?

    I specifically told you to please stop. You will be reported.
    November 30th, 2014 at 07:23pm
  • @ fauvism
    @ essence.
    @ Fen'Harel

    Yes he would have. Why? Because the idiot tried taking his gun and charging after him when the cop asked him to stop and turn around so he could arrest him. After the cop shot him a few warnings, HE KEPT GOING AFTER THE COP. So he shot a fatal one in the head.

    What am I trying to prove? That you people are consumed by thinking you're being victimized by whites, when you aren't. Stop backing up a criminal when he is the one who put himself in that position in the first place. It's like saying a parent is cruel because they spanked their small child for talking back. "Oh if the parent wasn't cruel, then the child wouldn't be crying over the spanking."

    No. If the child hadn't done what the child wasn't supposed to do, he wouldn't have gotten a spanking.

    You're seriously backing up a guy who attacked a cop with force and tried snatching his gun. No one would make it a race issue if Michael had successfully grabbed the gun and shot the white cop. They would just think him as a criminal who didn't want to get arrested.

    You all need to watch the news because that's where the proof is at. Not on the internet. Ignorance brings racism obviously.
    November 30th, 2014 at 07:19pm
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    "but now the blacks have made it about race"

    Every 28 hours a black man is killed by the police. This IS about race. I mean, just look at how media frames white suspects/killers vs. black victims.

    Black victims are dehumanized so that their murders are justified. This same shit has been happening for decades. White suspects and killers get elevated, their good traits highlighted, all to justify their behavior. I mean, armed mass shooters get taken ALIVE by the police. An unarmed black teen gets shot; statements on "robbery" and "assault" surface and suddenly his murder is justified. Yeah, ok.

    And like Nic (fauvism) has said, if Mike Brown had been white, he would still be alive. He wouldn't have been framed as "suspect"; he wouldn't have been followed by the police and shot.
    November 30th, 2014 at 06:17pm
  • fauvism:
    Haha PS, if Brown was white he probably wouldn't have been shot and killed in the first place.
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:20pm
  • izzylovescoffee:
    I promise you, if Michael was white, none of this would have been blown up and talked about as much as it is.

    Oh, but now that blacks have made it about race, there has been white cops shot and killed since Ferguson. Sucks because no one talks about those shootings. Who cares if a white person dies.

    Did you know the President went to Brown's funeral and yet didn't go to any of the dead cops who help protect our country? NOW it's a race thing. It wouldn't have been if Brown was white. People make it about race. It's so immature and childish.
    Uhm... Lmao of COURSE it wouldn't be a race issue if he was white! It would simply be MURDER. But wait, it's not considered MURDER if the victim is black?

    We did not make this about race, it is about race. It will never not be about race unless black people stop being killed and white people stop getting away with it.

    The president chose to go to the funeral himself, even so, maybe the other funerals weren't as convenient for him but still, that has nothing to do with the fact that black people are getting murdered, white people are getting away with it and you're trying to tell me it's not wrong nor a race issue.

    Haha PS, if Brown was white he probably wouldn't have been shot and killed in the first place.
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:11pm
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    Even if Brown stole, are you really telling to me (us, in fact) that a black life is worth less than 40 dollars (because a box of cigarillos is 34.99)?

    No matter how you look at it, Brown did not deserve to die.

    And that wasn't even the main point of this blog lol.
    November 30th, 2014 at 04:59pm
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    Did you know that the jury was given outdated statute information? Not to mention that the person who did his autopsy was not as qualified.

    Also, if I can question, is why are you doing this? Do you think that we will change our views on this case and go "oh yeah! This isn't a race issue! Michael brown is wrong! Let me go support the side with the klans members now!"

    Just asking out of curiousity, what are you trying to prove?
    November 30th, 2014 at 04:51pm
  • @ fauvism

    @ essence.

    @ SmilingScarlet

    You all might want to look at this. Did you know that three of the black judges in the jury found zero evidence to even put Wilson through court to judge him guilty or not guilty? He wasn't even on trial then, it was just taking a look at whether they could even make a case against him. They couldn't because there was none.
    November 30th, 2014 at 03:44pm
  • @ fauvism

    @ essence.

    @ SmilingScarlet

    You all might want to this. Did you know that three of the black judges in the jury found zero evidence to even put Wilson through court to judge him guilty or not guilty? He wasn't even on trial then, it was just taking a look at whether they could even make a case against him. They couldn't because there was none.
    November 30th, 2014 at 03:44pm
  • @ fauvism
    I find it odd how if it was a race issue with Wilson, why didn't he kill Michael's friend who was actually obeying what Wilson was asking him to do to get him arrested? He's alive. Guess what? That friend's story changed,too to make it appear that Wilson was a racist cop who shouldn't have shot Michael...but he didn't say that before.... odd.

    I promise you, if Michael was white, none of this would have been blown up and talked about as much as it is.

    Oh, but now that blacks have made it about race, there has been white cops shot and killed since Ferguson. Sucks because no one talks about those shootings. Who cares if a white person dies.

    Did you know the President went to Brown's funeral and yet didn't go to any of the dead cops who help protect our country? NOW it's a race thing. It wouldn't have been if Brown was white. People make it about race. It's so immature and childish.
    November 30th, 2014 at 03:27pm
  • izzylovescoffee:
    You are legally an adult at eighteen in the U.S. A lot of them aren't mentally fully mature yet obviously, but it doesn't matter when it comes to the law. You break a law, you get punished. Black or white and looks and appearances have nothing to do with being legally adult or being mentally mature. Michael was legally an adult. He knows the consequences of his actions. He clearly wasn't mentally mature if he reaches for an officers gun and tries taking it. But that doesn't matter. Law is law. Black or white. It's ridiculous people are making this about race.
    This is a racial issue, however you find the wiggle room to claim it isn't, it is. If it was so easy as, "You break a law, you get punished," there would be no argument here because oh hey, what about that kid who was shot and his shooter that didn't go to prison? There's no law against that, apparently not for white people. This is a racial issue.
    November 30th, 2014 at 12:20pm
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    Also we're raising awareness about how the case has many inconsistencies in the story itself. Much like a bad movie with really bad plot holes is given bad reviews and asked 'what gives?', the same is happening with Mike Brown's case.
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:53am
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    Okay, but why are you generalizing Essence. and I as racist? We are not spewing hate for the white man, we are raising awareness about how this is very much about race. Also you can be reported for the condescending comments your leaving on essence.'s blog.

    Please stop, thank you.
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:48am
  • Okay.

    And you're here reading them because?

    You're commenting on them because?

    You're not the first or last one to call me "racist".

    Black lives matter.

    Black people get jailed 3 times harder than whites regardless of crimes. And I bet those blacks that shot the whites got jailed for their doings. You're bringing up irrelevant information.

    God bless and goodnight. <3

    @ izzylovescoffee
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:37am
  • @ essence.
    You are being racist yourself. You think you are not being racist, but you all paint yourselves as victims and whites are awful, awful people who do everything terrible to blacks. Yes, some whites are racist. But there are a lot of minorities who are very racist and prejudice. Surprise! Can't believe it, huh?

    Did you know that there are also just as many black people shooting white people for zero reason? But no one talks about that because it would be seen as racist too. But it's okay to blow up a cop for shooting a black dude for reaching at his gun and charging him.

    I was also told you had great racist blogs...and you do haha Very Happy
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:33am
  • @ izzylovescoffee
    And you felt the need to comment that on this blog because?
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • You are legally an adult at eighteen in the U.S. A lot of them aren't mentally fully mature yet obviously, but it doesn't matter when it comes to the law. You break a law, you get punished. Black or white and looks and appearances have nothing to do with being legally adult or being mentally mature. Michael was legally an adult. He knows the consequences of his actions. He clearly wasn't mentally mature if he reaches for an officers gun and tries taking it. But that doesn't matter. Law is law. Black or white. It's ridiculous people are making this about race.
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • To me anyone between 18-20 are both adults and children. They're still children because they're fresh out of high school. annd don't seem to be as experienced with life as a 23 year old would, though,that's not really a big age gap, but still. And yet they're adults in the sense that they can make their own choices and shoulder the responsibilities of those choices. Now that I think about what I just said, it probably doesn't make a lick of sense at all.
    November 29th, 2014 at 03:12pm