Hopping on the Bandwagon | In Regards to Ferguson - Comments

  • Koda

    Koda (100)

    United States

    @Audrey T

    @jerek sandcaster


    Thank you for your comments and opinions. I understand that this is a writing site and I am sorry that I put it that way. It is hard to write down exactly how I feel and want to express.
    November 30th, 2014 at 08:29am
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I am sorry for every black american that can't walk out of their home because they might get pulled over by a cop or get shot at. If I could change it, I would, but I can't. There is always going to be racism in the world whether we like it or not. We are never going to have peace in the world because everyone has an opinion. One person thinks blue is a better color that pink and vice versa.
    But you can help change it. Anyone can. It really does make me a bit sad to hearing people saying things like this because it feels like they're giving up on their power and handing it over to the injustice. Everyone is powerful. Everyone has a powerful voice. When we stand together, we are even more powerful. And that's just the problem. We don't stand together united as one force. We're divided because so many people don't believe in their own power or the power of a group. We're told so often to obey, obey, obey that we don't think of ourselves as very powerful. But we are and we can change things. You can help change things with enough work and enough caring.

    You're right that there will always be racism in the world, but does that mean we should sit down and take it? Of course not. We should keep fighting it and keep striving to change people's hearts and minds. Racism is not something that should ever be tolerated. Corruption in the police force should never be tolerate. Corruption in the government should never be tolerated.

    I suppose my point with this comment was to try and help you see how powerful you are and how capable of creating change you are. ^.^
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:13am
  • jerek sandcaster.

    jerek sandcaster. (100)

    United States
    As someone living in a biphobic society who also faces queerphobic remarks who was pretty much once told, "A character's smoking is more important than his non-straight sexuality, so let's make him straight," I'm one hundred percent sure no one who faces racism wants to just hear that "It happens, it won't change, so let's not try to fight it." The "I can't change it, but if I could, I would" statement doesn't get us anywhere. Lobbying to change does. Even if it's something as simple as signal boosting, there's no excuse to not try if it's something you're convinced should change.
    November 30th, 2014 at 05:00am
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    This is specifically in response to this comment: Fight for what you believe in, but I wish that it would be left off of Mibba.

    I think if people don't want to read or talk about what's going on in Ferguson (or around the world in reaction to this), then they can (and should) simply not engage. I think it's very easy to see a blog about it and go "Oh okay, this isn't something I'm interested in," and then back out and leave it be. Even if the blog isn't titled "FERGUSON" if you step into it and see the content, you don't have to keep reading - I do it all the time with a number of things that comes across Mibba. But I don't think it's okay to say (or even think) that other people shouldn't discuss a topic their passionate about. I don't see how it could be a good thing for someone to say "I know people have been killed and lives destroyed and people are hurting because of this and it affects millions, but I'm tired of hearing about it so don't post about it on Mibba." I think that's terrible.

    Imagine if a close family friend died and you came on Mibba to post a blog about it (to help you deal with that loss and how you were feeling about) and someone was like "Ugh, stop talking about your dead friend. I'm not interested. It's boring. It's bumming me out." I mean, that would be pretty outrageous, to say to someone who's trying to deal with a loss that what their posting in their own blog is not something you want to read about. I think the obvious answer to that would be "Well, don't read my blog."

    I get it that it's been all over the news and all media outlets but that's because it's pretty important. And I also get the need for some to want to pull away, and that's pretty important to (some people need escapism). But there is a way for both sides to survive on this site, and that is not for one to shut up about it, you know? It's for those who aren't interested to step away from those specific blogs/threads. There's lots of other parts (and other blogs too - certainly not saying to stay off the blogs in general) on Mibba (and the internet in general) for those who need an escape to go to. So there's no reason it needs to be one way or another. It doesn't have to be everyone talk about it and everyone engage or no one talks about it and everyone ignores it. There's enough space on Mibba's blog to have these discussions and also have people talk about that cute guy in class or their troubles with NaNo.


    I am sorry for every black american that can't walk out of their home because they might get pulled over by a cop or get shot at. If I could change it, I would, but I can't. There is always going to be racism in the world whether we like it or not. We are never going to have peace in the world because everyone has an opinion. One person thinks blue is a better color that pink and vice versa.

    I think for people who experience racism in their day to day (or even people who have just one strong experience with racism), it's impossible to say "Well, racism is racism and it's going to happen forever so I might as well get used to." I think it's impossible say and also simply wrong to do. Just because bad things are happening and have been happening over the years, doesn't mean people need to resign themselves to that. History has shown that things can change for the better if people fight for it - even if it takes longer than one generation to the other. Slavery existed in this country, people didn't say "Well, shit happens, let's keep on living like this," they fought for better and slavery was abolished. Tougher and more blatant racism was faced during the civil rights movement, people didn't say "Well, this sucks, but we got to deal," they kept fighting for better and laws were passed to help us reach equality. Now we're facing the remnants of the past and people aren't (and shouldn't say), "Hey, look at all this racial injustice but that's just the way of the world, keep on trucking," they should fight and as history has shown us, we can move onto better time and actually lessen that.

    No one should ever have to stay in bad situation because fighting for it is inconvenient to others (or even themselves). It's important that people continue to fight to lessen (and eventually eradicate) these kinds of injustices to make their world better.

    It's a lot harder to ignore these kinds of problems when you're faced with them everyday, rather than just whenever it flairs about in the media.
    November 29th, 2014 at 10:21pm
  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    I had meant to post on this before, I thought I did but it didn't go through. Anyhow I get that you may not want to hear any more about Ferguson, that's understandable but this is a writing site and these are blogs that people do not have to read. If you'd rather not hear about it, don't read it, but my thing is, don't tell us to stop posting about it. This is a way for us to get it out there, this is our outlet, this is everyone's outlet so let them speak.

    I'm fairly sure you were talking about my blog and I was agitated but the blog still stands, my opinion has not changed and although it may have been offensive, they were my opinions to state how I wanted. I hope you get that.
    November 29th, 2014 at 10:03pm