Do I Quit? (Help, Please!) - Comments

  • Best of luck. Hope everything goes well. Arms
    December 2nd, 2014 at 03:21pm
  • @ wasp.
    Thank you so much for your answer! I appreciate all the advice you gave. Smile

    I honestly think that quitting is my best option. Tomorrow, when I go get my paycheck, I think I'll tell them that I can't come in anymore.
    December 2nd, 2014 at 07:37am
  • I was about to say to try your best to stick it out. But then I read about how rude your manager is being to you. Personally, I believe that it is completely your decision. And that either way, you are the one correct. If you think that this job is going to be too much and that it is going to be bad for your mental health, I am sure you could find a better job for you out there. Hands down.

    But I will support you - and I am sure other people on Mibba will, too - if you want to try sticking it out. I would say make friends at your job that you will be able to trust. It seems as if the girl who showed you around is nice enough. Sometimes the biggest comfort is knowing that you are going to be around a friend when you go to work.

    Don't think that you are weak if you mess up. I worked in retail, and I screwed up so many times. You have to remember to breathe and remind yourself that everybody makes mistakes. I had a full on panic attack at a register one time and had to run to the back of the store. And I just started crying. It was super embarrassing. But people moved past it, they didn't laugh at me or anything. I learned to joke about it, and that's really the best thing that you can be able to do.

    And, after a couple of days on the floor, I was also left all alone with a bunch of customers yelling at me to go get my manager and asking why I couldn't get someone else to help them. It was difficult, because I took it to heart and thought that there is no way that I would be able to handle the job. But I am so glad that I didn't quit. I ended up learning a lot from my job, about people and about technology, that will (hopefully) help me in some way in the future.

    Even though you don't have everything down right now, that doesn't mean that you won't pick up on things in the long run. And first jobs are always hard. My first job was child care, and it was absolutely terrifying. I didn't feel ready at all. And most people don't when they begin working for the first time. Think of it as an experience to learn. And try not to get too stressed.

    It is a more difficult situation when the place you are working at is a locally owned place and not a chain. There's a lot more protection at chain places, because employees are more protected.

    Stay strong, okay? Arms Sorry that I wasn't able to give clear advice. Just know that you are not alone. And nobody is going to blame you either way. And, if you quit or you keep the job, everything is going to be okay.
    December 2nd, 2014 at 06:47am