Coming Back to Mibba/Stuff About Me - Comments

  • It's really annoying, I wish I could get a new one. I can't really do too much with it now and I hate asking anyone if I can use theirs, so I'm online a lot less these days. No fun for me, lol.

    Yes, Tomo is awesome, a little gem, that one. Shannon too, I love me some Shannon. I'm not really crazy about Jared, which some people find odd.

    Yeah, my mom is a painter too, but I suck at it. I can sort of draw, (and I use sort of loosely) but I haven't attempted that in ages. I love music, and I tried to teach myself to play guitar with horrible results, lol. But others in my family do all that stuff with ease, so yeah I can relate.
    December 26th, 2014 at 08:48pm
  • Ah, it's fine. I know that feeling, my laptop that I had before I replaced it with this one was insanely bad.

    He really is. I genuinely don't get why everyone seems to forget about him because he's clearly the best member of that band. tehe

    I think it must have, haha! I tend to get missed on most of the creative genes. Only ones I inherited were the ones for DIY and music, so the entire crocheting, knitting and painting thing just passed over me and were distributed amongst the rest of the kids in my family. lmfao
    December 22nd, 2014 at 12:50pm
  • @ nearly witches.
    Sorry for taking forever to reply, my laptop has been acting up (again).

    OMG, hearing Tomo's laugh makes me laugh. He's such a sweetie.

    Yeah, I've got a few aunts who crochet as well, they make scarves and blankets and things. I guess the crocheting gene passed both you and me by, lol.
    December 21st, 2014 at 05:05am
  • Exactly. I mean, come on, Tomo easily has the best laugh. And Shannon has a pretty amusing laugh as well. But I definitely agree, Tomo is just the most precious person on this planet and I just think he needs more love. tehe

    Oh, crocheting is another one of those things that everyone in my family seems to do but I'm in the same boat as you! Even my sister can crochet (come to think of it, she can knit as well) and she's 3 years younger than me. Facepalm
    December 16th, 2014 at 11:36am
  • @ Post Mortem
    Hey sweetie. Thanks and I missed you too. You were one of the few people I really talked to on here.

    @ nearly witches.
    Yeah, everyone seems to love Jared and forgets that there are actually two other people in the band. But Tomo's so adorable, how can anyone not love him?

    Oh my god, my mom was like that with crocheting, which she is great at, but after all these years I still haven't got the hang of.
    December 16th, 2014 at 03:20am
  • Tomo 100% doesn't get enough love. He's always been my favourite, which confuses the living daylight out of my friend (she's pretty much in love with Jared and doesn't see why he isn't my favourite). tehe

    It'll be awesome once it is finished, I bet! My gran and my mum both tried to teach me so I might go down the Youtube route and see if I can work it that way. My mum just ended up getting annoyed at me because I wasn't catching onto what she was trying to say. I've got a lot of spare time over Christmas so I might give it another go. XD
    December 15th, 2014 at 11:25am
  • Oh how I've missed you! You were always my favorite Original Fiction writer here. Twisted was one of my top fave stories I'd read here. So glad you're back! Mr. Green
    December 12th, 2014 at 06:30am
  • @ nearly witches.
    Hi and thanks, sweetie. A fellow Echelon and Whovian is always welcome as a friend. Very Happy And you love Tomo, too. He doesn't get enough love in my opinion.

    Yes, it's going to take me forever to make, but buying one is not an option right now. So I figured I could do it myself. I don't have social life so I have plenty of time on my hands, lol, plus it's a bit cheaper this way. I just got some of the yarn today, so I'm excited about starting. And you know what, I actually learned how to knit by watching Youtube videos, which was very helpful because trying to learn on my own wasn't working. I was terrible at it, you should have seen some of my "projects", lol. I think you should try to take it up again, could be lots of fun. Smile
    December 11th, 2014 at 05:16am
  • I saw your icon (TOMO In Love) and your username and I think we should be friends. Weird

    Welcome back, though! I wish I could knit. Most I've ever managed was a tiny wee square that was supposed to be a scarf that never actually managed to complete itself. No Knitting yourself a Fourth Doctor scarf sounds insane though. I saw one for sale in a comic shop once and wanted it, but it cost way over my budget so I had to leave it behind.
    December 10th, 2014 at 10:03am
  • @ ladedanielle;
    Hi love. Thanks and welcome back to you as well, and best of luck with all of your site endeavours. Hope all your writing and everything goes well.

    Oh my god, there's nothing wrong with being obsessed with Mr. Taylor-Johnson, that man is a dream, so obsess, obsess and obsess some more. I'm glad he's getting more exposure and I can't wait to see him in The Avengers, the trailer looks so good.
    December 10th, 2014 at 12:37am
  • I freaking love Aaron Taylor-Johnson. I'm sorry, I had to get that out first. He's literally like my husband at heart. I told my mom if she didn't buy me Godzilla for Christmas I might just have to sell her things to get the blu-ray disc. He's my screensaver on literally everything. I may just be a tad bit obsessed.

    Anyway I haven't been that active on mibba either and I've just recently 'come back' as well. So welcome back to you too! I wish you good luck on your writing and reading and story commenting, I'm on the same mission as well. Hope you see you around!(:
    December 10th, 2014 at 12:00am