I'm Tired of Being Tired. - Comments

  • It's no problem. If you ever need someone ever I am here or if you need something immediate I can send you my facebook I'm always on 24/7 OR IF IT IS an emergency call the suicide hotline ( 1-800-273-8255 )or 911. I hope you have a wonderful rest of 2014 and the next years. Hang in there, everything will be okay.

    I realized I put paper instead of people wtf I am dumb.
    December 30th, 2014 at 10:08am
  • @ Daryl Dixon;

    Thank you so much. That made me cry but it just means a lot to me (:

    I'm trying my best!
    December 30th, 2014 at 09:12am
  • Hey there beautiful.

    I know how hard it is to be clean but I know that if I can do do it you can do it too, I know it'll be hard at first but I know you can do it. Two months? Wow! I'm so proud of you for being clean that long! You don't need self harm it's something you can live your life with out, I know it feels like at the moment you need it but you do not need it at all If you can get through two months you can get through 4 months, set goals. Set goals like every two months to see how log you can get clean. When you hit your goal, reward yourself with your favorite food or a new movie, that's how I've made it nearly a year clean is setting goals.

    If you've had suicidal thoughts, I'm so so so so proud of you for not trying to go along with any plan. You ARE here for a reason and you will find your reason I promise you that. Suicide is permanent. You will never get to meet your favorite band members or go to a concert you have never seen or see places you want to go or you will never grow older and get cool old lady wisdom if you die. You'll get to make new friends, and meet new paper maybe a boyfriend you want or a girlfriend if you're into that, if you end your life you won't get that.

    You are SO strong, look how far you've made it! 2 Months! You CAN make it further. You can can can.

    And if YOU EVER need someone to talk to I am here. I such so bad at advice but I can try. I promise you that I will be here.

    I'll crack cheesy jokes and send funny gifs.

    It always storms but there definetly will be a calm.

    December 28th, 2014 at 02:57am
  • @ punkhemmo.
    Thank you so much. That really means a lot to me. I'm trying my best xx
    December 23rd, 2014 at 09:32am
  • Hiya there lovely!

    I honestly know how you're feeling. I go through that every single day of the week. It sucks, I know that for sure. But it does get better at some point. I know people say that a lot (believe me, I've heard it a billion times), but it's true. Sure, there's always going to be those tough times; but there's always going to be a bright side to everything. You just gotta keep your head and heart up, and don't give up. I know there are times where you feel like you can't handle anything anymore and you want some sort of relief, but please don't hurt yourself. There are other ways to relief stress, like you can punch a pillow, scream into a pillow, draw on where you want to harm yourself, or even talk to me too! I am always here if you gotta let it all out, I am totally hear to help. Because you're not alone. Maybe seem like you are sometimes, but you're not.

    I do hope you're feeling better! I'm always up to talk, whether because you're feeling down or even for a simple chat. Message me sometime. ^.^

    Here are some links to alternative ways to self harm plus a few to make you smile. I don't want you hurting yourself ever. You're too amazing to get hurt.

    Alternatives for Self Harm
    What to do Instead
    Alternatives to Self Harm by Mood
    Self Help List

    I do hope you're having an amazing day, week, and have an amazing Holidays!
    December 22nd, 2014 at 04:26pm
  • You're welcome, dear. Arms Feel better.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 08:23am
  • @ i am potato

    Thank you. Its hard not too and I try my hardest not to.

    But again thank you so, so much
    December 22nd, 2014 at 08:19am
  • Hey, you. Amazing you. Arms

    I used to self-harm and it was hard to stop, I would know. But I'd been free from it for years now. It wasn't easy at first but it's doable. If you need to talk to someone, come to me. I may not be the most mentally stable person but it's always easier when we have someone to talk to.

    You deserve to feel happy and get all the good things in life. Arms

    I hope you'll feel better soon and remember, you're an amazing person. You don't deserve to get hurt. Arms
    December 21st, 2014 at 12:58pm