Taxing Customers More When They Stay Past Closing - Comments

  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    @ Valerie.
    I try not to give a shitty attitude unless I get one. (Like when I tell someone we're closing and I get called a bitch or they roll their eyes at me. Then I just ignore them and don't greet or say anything when they leave.) >.> I mean, it's really just rude when people go in last minute. I'm sure she doesn't like to stay 30mins to an hour over at work because of other people, so why do that to cashiers? That's just my reasoning though. Then again, since I hate being rushed I never went into a store before closing, "oh they're closing in 15, let's go to somewhere else so I can waste time." Not to mention, the lights are scheduled, at the stores here anyway, to go off 10 minutes after planned closing time. Should be enough of a signal, but it's not.
    December 25th, 2014 at 03:52pm
  • deletemyaccountpls

    deletemyaccountpls (115)

    I wish this was a thing because then maybe my mother would stop trying to do all her grocery shopping 10 minutes before closing. The clerks always get (understandably) shitty and it's embarrassing Facepalm
    December 25th, 2014 at 08:54am
  • delirium.

    delirium. (1200)

    United States
    @ EmzyStilinski
    I prefer online shopping, too. Lol...

    @ block b
    We always have stragglers that come attempt to come in the store at the last minute... the worst night was when we had coupon-ers come in at 9:45pm and try to clothes and grocery shop like... why? Why. Why. Whyyyyyy? Not only did they stay twenty minutes late, but it took extra long to have to go through each and every set of transactions and coupons Facepalm We usually close at 10, on holidays we close at 8. I closed Halloween and Thanksgiving, neither of those days were as bad as tonight. >_< And no, lol, they probably didn't need those things that late at night.

    @ Xiaholic
    Personally, I prefer closing than opening. xD I do not like morning. :v And don't have the umph to put on a cheery happy-go-lucky persona that early. But 9/10 I am the main cashier, and I don't mind being busy. Shifty Makes the time go by pretty fast. But that's what we had to do today. I have to take a lunch and from 12 - 4pm there were constantly 3-5 people in my line and so my manager had to slam down a close sign on my register and say "just go take a lunch or you'll never get one." xD And I really wanted lunch today because... my co-worker bought us Chinese and mmm Sesame Chicken and Steamed Rice. >3< Our sales practically doubled today... but just last minuter-er grrrr on them.

    Yeah, we're closed tomorrow. I know we aren't closed New Years Day, but I don't have the faintest on if I'm off. If I go by the pattern then I'll work. Because so far I've worked every holiday. :v Which is fine by me if I get time and a half.
    December 25th, 2014 at 06:55am
  • EmzyStilinski

    EmzyStilinski (100)

    United States
    This is why I online shop. So, i dont have to go out and Christmas shop in the chaos
    December 25th, 2014 at 05:44am
  • wonho

    wonho (225)

    United States
    Ah, I know the feeling. I had off today, but I work in a linens store and we close at 9 most nights. I think it was last week when we had a family who came in 8:57 and even though the three of us on shift repeatedly mentioned that we were about to close the store, they still didn't leave until after like 9:15 and after messing up the stuff in three or four different sections... Facepalm Like, who even goes to a linens store at 9 pm? What is the point? Did you really need curtains or bedding that badly? XD Retail customers are so frustrating sometimes.
    December 25th, 2014 at 05:03am
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    Man, that sucks! My bro almost had that problem during his first time on the tills, but luckily his colleague helped him out and told the very small queue behind his last customer that this till was closing; inviting them over to theirs. So it wasn't closing time, just the end of his shift. Must really suck being the closing time! >_< I sympathise.

    Have you got Christmas/Boxing/New Year off?
    December 25th, 2014 at 04:56am