January's Aims and Questions - Comments

  • Tbh, I really like your idea of breaking the year into a few simple goals to complete each month. It seems like it would be a lot more doable (not to mention, less intimidating) tehe

    I do have resolutions! One is to exercise more regularly. I dropped 30 pounds last year, but since I've started working two jobs, it's been almost impossible to stick to a workout regimine, and I can definitely tell I'm getting weaker. My other resolution is to work on my writing. Nothing too exciting XD

    As far as motivation/procrastination goes, I'm a big believer in the eating frogs approach: if there's something I really don't want to do, I go ahead and do it, if only just to get it over with, if that makes any sense XD

    Good luck on reaching your goals!
    January 12th, 2015 at 12:52am