Warning: A Tad Prideful - Comments

  • @ heroes.
    Oh my god I love you so much Arms You are honestly one of the most fantastic people it has ever been my pleasure to be acquainted with.
    January 26th, 2015 at 03:53am
  • First of all, your friend needs to chill tf out because you are a fantastic person and she is losing you by being a shit. Grr She sounds like a highly unpleasant person to deal with and you shouldn't have to go through such unpleasantness, ew. She better straighten up or ship out and I hope she gets it together or she needs to get out of your life. It's best for you to not deal with humans like that because no.

    Secondly, congratulations, Lolo, you're doing awesome!! OMGYES I've got my fingers crossed that your interview goes wonderful and look at you, speech and debate queen! That's so great, I'm really happy for youuu! Arms
    January 26th, 2015 at 03:38am