Depression Is a Funny Thing... - Comments

  • I know depression can suck and I've death with people who suffer through it but actually going through it is worse then anything. I don't understand why we have to go through horrible things like this but it does get better I know your probably tired of hearing the sane thing over and over but it's the truth we have to take one day at a time and remember that were not alone and if you need someone to talk to about anything I'm always here add me if you want :)
    January 30th, 2015 at 01:20am
  • Your own problems are never insignificant; to you they are valid and they are consuming and that it the only truth you need to atone to. Yes, depression is a funny thing. But so is 'sad shaming', and that is not legitimizing the feelings that somebody has that makes them sad. Whatever it is that makes you feel the way you are feeling, no matter how big or how small, it is a problem.

    You do not have to feel ashamed for feeling this way. It's not your fault, and it's not something you have to "suck up" or be strong for others about. If you are hurting, you hurt. And you don't let anybody tell you that's wrong. It's an honorable and brave thing to always be the strong friend, to be the one who helps everybody else. But who will be there to help you? Especially when you feel like nobody is truly listening.

    I don't know you, and you don't know me. But that's the beauty of the internet, and I'm telling you right now that from the few minutes it took me to read this blog, that I can see you're hurting, and it is not fair. If you ever need someone to talk to, I totally dibs up. I've been there, I know exactly how you feel.

    January 29th, 2015 at 05:56pm
  • I've found myself in a similar position before. I've had a severely depressed friend that I've needed to help whilst battling my own 'insignificant' problems too. I thought I was just being a wuss about them and that I was alone, with no one to help me through stuff.

    I'm just saying that if you want to talk, if you want someone to rant to and someone that'll actually listen, I'm here. Because I do know how it feels to have the burden of dealing with other people's problems while you're feeling bad for struggling with your own ones that seem so much smaller in comparison. I might not be able to fully put myself in your shoes because I don't know what you've been through, but I can listen.

    I hope that made sense. Shifty

    Of course, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. But everyone needs someone to be there to listen to and accept them, no matter who they are. I'm always here. Cute
    January 29th, 2015 at 05:38pm