Thoughts of a College Student - Comments

  • Join the Masquerade

    Join the Masquerade (100)

    I wish I studied more. Or more effectively. My first week back at uni has just passed and I skipped all my lectures on both my days there, one because I was too tired and the other because apparently buying tickets to see Dylan Moran is more important Facepalm it is though

    I find that for me, the best way to study is to READ THE COURSE MATERIAL. Who would have guessed that the exam would be on the course material? And that the best way to learn said material is to actually open the book up and read through it? :P I also think going to classes is essential. I learn so much from discussion, it's crazy. It also sucks because I prefer staying quiet.

    But I find I don't study in these best ways. I tend to buy the text books and never open them, skip classes and forget to catch them up, then spend the 2 days before the exam writing out by hand the entire course as per the lecture slides (that I never attended the lectures for) and hoping that half of it enters my brain short term. So far so good, but only narrowly avoided failing.

    So I don't recommend the last minute cramming... but study can be so hard to get into.
    March 6th, 2015 at 01:50pm
  • Nightwing922

    Nightwing922 (100)

    Studying is something I don't miss at all. I have to study a bit in my job but nothing compared to what I was doing at uni, granted my work now is much more difficult haha. As far as techniques goes, I'd just be real with myself "do you know the subject? Are you going to pass without studying? Do work now you stupid fuck. If you don't study you can't gym, watch tv, read comics etc"
    March 3rd, 2015 at 09:38am