Thoughts on Nounself Pronouns/Otherkin & Questions - Comments

  • No, I get that! Fact is, these are kids most of the time -- twelve, thirteen, fourteen years old. The Internet has a bad habit of regarding misinformed, ignorant kids as malevolent, harmful adults.
    March 17th, 2015 at 11:17pm
  • @ adonalsium
    I don't attack them, just when they're acting problematic, I call them out.
    March 17th, 2015 at 08:02pm
  • 1) I reckon they've got the right to believe what makes them comfortable as long as they're not hurting anyone else.
    2) Of course it is. That's why we should teach them rather than retaliating.
    3) Obviously not, but that doesn't mean otherkin as a concept isn't real. It's been around for a while (since the 70s, I think? Earlier maybe?) and it sure didn't originate with Tumblr preteens.

    For a lot of otherkin/therians, this identity is a connection to an animal/object. Very few actually believe they are their kin. And even if some of them do, that's no good reason to attack them. Additionally, many otherkin are mentally ill and use this identity to feel more comfortable with themselves.

    That's not to say many of them aren't harmful. But you get people like that in every community, especially online, where they can hide on anonymous mode.
    March 17th, 2015 at 04:57am
  • @ little motorkitty;
    True. As long as they don't bully others
    March 16th, 2015 at 06:57pm
  • @ killerariaisa
    Then that's what they think and it's their beliefs and I don't see why it'd be a problem.
    March 16th, 2015 at 06:55pm
  • @ little motorkitty;
    But what if, some of these people actually think that they're another species trapped in a human's body?
    March 16th, 2015 at 06:54pm
  • Nounself pronouns were made for and by trans/nb people and really aren't related to being otherkin (and cis otherkin using them or saying they're trans because they're otherkin are normally trolls). Anyone who tells anyone to kill themself is out of order but sadly a lot of them are troll blogs trying to make trans people look bad. And most otherkin don't believe they're 'trapped' in a body, it's about feeling a spiritual connection to something and can also be rooted to religion. Saying that all otherkin are just mentally ill because of their beliefs is kinda insulting.
    March 16th, 2015 at 06:29pm
  • @ Z Warrior Hina
    That's true. But they still shouldn't be bullies. They don't know what the other person's life is like or what they're going through.
    March 16th, 2015 at 05:18pm
  • Me neither, but a lot of people that act like that don't know how to act around/towards others or they have some kind problems, whether it's with people they know personally or emotionally, or mentally.
    March 16th, 2015 at 04:44pm
  • @ Z Warrior Hina
    True. I just don't like how they play victim when they're the ones being problematic.
    March 16th, 2015 at 04:32pm
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    Yeah. Me too. And people who claimed to be "eye raped" are so triggering.

    @ Airi.
    Yeah. True. But they need to realize that they aren't helping themselves by acting like a total dick.
    March 16th, 2015 at 04:28pm
  • I know on Gaia Online, this otherkin/animalkin term would be referred to as being a furry, but it's not exactly the same I don't think because "furries" on Gaia or in anime fandom is where you wear animal accessories or cosplay stuff to identify as that animal. On a fun side note, I used to have a fox tail because I loved foxes.

    1) What are your thoughts on these kids that claim to be an animal or something else trapped inside a human's body?
    Tbh I don't really care.

    2) Don't you think it's wrong that they act innocent when THEY ARE actually the ones telling people to kill themselves?
    Yep, which is why I ignore most people that do that kind of thing.

    3) Do you think it's possible to LITERALLY BE a dog or anything else trapped in a human's body?
    Not sure. Maybe. IDK. I don't know much about that kind of thing. All I know is that a lot of people don't feel comfortable in their bodies and they often times don't know who they are as a person despite having a name and family and stuff.
    March 16th, 2015 at 02:59pm
  • 1) If they're not hurting anyone and want to be addressed as 'dogself' then why not? It's their choice on what pronouns to use. Even if someone doesn't agree with it, it's not hard to respect their choice and use the proper pronouns, you know? I'm not an 'other kin' sort of person but I am someone who has a habit of wearing animal ears when I go out. So I guess I can't say what goes through the mind of someone who truly and honestly believes they are part/whole animal. I personally wear my cat ears or rabbit hoodie because it makes me feel more comfortable. It is an issue of self-esteem and not liking who I am... But I'm not hurting anyone. I don't see an issue with me wearing these ears if they make me feel comfortable.

    Perhaps it's the same for someone who wishes to be addressed by 'dogself'? To be honest, this is the first I'm hearing of these pronouns.

    2) Of course, but these kids merely want attention. Ignore them and they'll stop. They'll keep on as long as people bite their fishing line. Is it wrong? Yes. But some people need to be ignored to learn, you know? In all brutal honesty... Tumblr 'social justice Warriors' should always be ignored. They give their causes a bad name 75% of the time.

    3) With the human mind, anything is possible. It's possible for humans to truly believe they are something. However, to physically be that mental state is a different story entirely.
    March 16th, 2015 at 12:03pm
  • @ killerariaisa

    I hate that.
    I have actually been raped and it makes me want to punch every person who comes along with that 'he raped me with his eyes' thing. Whilst I view my rape as a positive aspect in my life (set me on the right path - I was on a very bad path and this snapped me out of it) other's do not feel the same way and it's such a slap in the face to them to have someone complaining about being 'eye raped'. I heard it's now apparently sexist for a man to smile at a woman. I promptly told my boyfriend to smile at every girl he see's to see their reaction.
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:36am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    And yeah.
    I've even seen on Tumblr, where this one woman said that a man raped her because he told her Hi and looked at her and she didn't she didn't give him permission to.
    I was so pissed that she would say that.
    Even if she was "joking", you NEVER joke about rape.
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:31am
  • @ killerariaisa

    I get a lot of hate online for my opinions, so it's nice to meet someone who isn't in thrall to the PC buzz. :)
    I get hated on though because I dislike modern day feminism and stand with the Anti Feminazi coalition and Im an active supporter of men's right's and equal right's. I kinda feel like this world's gone mad with trying to please everyone with a feeling. It's insane. I prefer just not arguing with those who don't understand where I'm coming from, it's counter productive ya'know?
    I just avoid anything related to feelings these days, haha. People offend me all the time but I just don't speak up about it anymore unless it's worthwhile. I can understand and be friends with people who believe differently than me, but they always end up trying to push their ideals and feelings on me and that bugs me. Why can't people just be what they are without having to slam it onto someone else.

    Yeah I know all about Doxxing, my boyfriend's a hacker - So I know how it all works :)
    I was actually gonna dabble in DDOS to try and stop those spam bots here (but my boyfriend told me not to waste my time, haha)

    Yay, Anti PC peeps! Haha
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:27am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    Yeah. And these people also say that all straight people are homophobic. And if a "cishet" gets upset with them, they'll say things like, "Go cry some more, cis baby" and they'll also call them "cisshits". I've even saw on this one blog, (not an "otherkin") blog, but a blog promoting misandry, where the girl running the blog would doxx people who said something against her, said something that offended her, or said something that supported men and she would post the info online and tell her followers to bully the person.
    Doxxing from what I understand is where a person basically gets the info of another person from their computer (like IP address) and post it online or use it for themselves. Idk how to explain it well Facepalm

    And true. I'm not PC and that offends some people.
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:20am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    Yeah. And these people also say that all straight people are homophobic. And if a "cishet" gets upset with them, they'll say things like, "Go cry some more, cis baby" and they'll also call them "cisshits". I've even saw on this one blog, (not an "otherkin") blog, but a blog promoting misandry, where the girl running the blog would doxx people who said something against her, said something that offended her, or said something that supported men and she would post the info online and tell her followers to bully the person.
    Doxxing from what I understand is where a person basically gets the info of another person from their computer (like IP address) and post it online or use it for themselves. Idk how to explain it well Facepalm

    And true. I'm not PC and that offends some people.
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:19am
  • @ killerariaisa

    I can understand, I went through a stage myself where I wanted to believe I was anything other than what I actually was. But I didnt plaster it everywhere and gain a massive friendbase because of it. I feel like a lot of people that say they feel this way are actually just playing along with what's currently hip and that bothers me - It belittles those who really struggle with it. I get even more suspicious when they set their minions on anyone who dares speak against or to them in a way they don't like. They are protecting something, they need defending, and people who really feel so strongly about themselves and are comfortable with it don't need protection.

    I feel like everyone's just trying to cash in and get noticed in this new PC world where everyone has to be nice and flowery. I'll never support anybody who feels the need to whine on about it and draw attention to themselves and their sexual/personal identity in every post they make. If they are, they are, they don't bring it up everytime they write something ya'know?
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:09am
  • @ Proud Saiyan Warrior
    I agree. Either that or they're just acting like that for attention. Which is annoying too.
    March 16th, 2015 at 08:05am