There Goes Another $28,000 - Comments

  • @ constant collapse.
    Yeah, definitely sounds like my situation. I wanted to go to college because it's what everyone always told me to do. But I grew up excited about it. Everyone always told me how different it would be from high school and how much fun I had, but when I got here, I realized that it's not all it's cracked up to be.

    I want to take some time off and breathe a little, but it's just not going to be possible, I don't think. Everyone expects things from me and I'm tired of fighting with my mom about it. I'll just give it one more year, and if I still hate it, I'll make a harsh decision.

    It's good of you to do what you want to do. It's nice that you have an alternate path. I wish there was something alternate for me.
    April 21st, 2015 at 09:20pm
  • Though I'm not in the comlplete same situation, my parents and friends/family are angry at me, because I don't want to go to college at all. I've never liked school, and I'm not very good at it, and I just don't want to waste something on something I don't see any benefit from. I'm going to cosmetology school, just so I have some career path, but it's still not good enough for anyone. just do what YOU think will be best for you. Do what YOU enjoy. You'll be miserable if you don't.

    In the words of Kevin Hart:
    April 21st, 2015 at 09:08pm