Asian Stereotypes - Comments

  • prettydirtythings

    prettydirtythings (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Feel your pain, bro. That's all I'm sayin'. Bangin
    May 18th, 2015 at 09:37pm
  • keigo takami.

    keigo takami. (205)

    United States
    I feel you totally with the stereotypes and all due to the nationality thing. Like, I'm Mexican American, so I was born here in the states but I still get those racist comments if I snuck into the boarder with my family or if we're all raging alcoholics at my household. It's pretty annoying and offense, sigh. Rolling Eyes

    Sometimes in school, the freshman ask if I'm one of the foreign exchange students from Mexico (since we had two). I thought it was pretty funny, so I'd go along with it and tell them how life was there. They'd be like, "Wow, really?" Then I just say, "No, you potato, I was born in damn Florida." There has been a point where someone asked if I was from England because I accidentally said "excuse me" in an accent. Facepalm
    May 17th, 2015 at 05:29am
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    Aw man that sounds like a lot of pressure to have to cope with, even on top of everything else like exams and revision just to get a pass!
    Sorry it has to be that way for you, I think it's really great that you seem to be taking it quite light-heartedly; you get on well with your parents quite well for the most part was the vibe I got, but I could be completely wrong.
    I guess it's even more exciting to look forward to being free of exams haha; no more grade-hungry parents on your back! Very Happy

    You totally reminded me of Ryan Higa's new video:

    This guy...he just cracks me up lmfao Love how open, honest and funny he is in all his vids! Genuine people probably seem like the weirdest people to some...I can think of several "weird" people...Think But aren't they the best?!
    Weird is GOOD! Dance
    May 16th, 2015 at 08:26pm