Changing My Name - Comments

  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Ugh, I can relate to this on so, so many levels In Love But honestly, I actually really like your name. I feel like it's classic Cool That being said, Mibba's a great place to test the waters with your new name, so hello there, Blake! Cute

    1. I've been going by my middle name since I was about fifteen, and I like that name tehe I wouldn't even go as far as to say I hate my first name or anything, I've just always had issues with people mispronouncing it and I never felt like it really suited me. Plus, my dad gave me my first name, and since my dad has never been a part of my life, I didn't feel the need to carry on a name that I absolutely couldn't stand lmfao

    2 + 3. Ideally, I'd love it if I could make my middle name my legal name because it would make so many things that much easier, but I wouldn't know what I'd want my new middle name to be XD

    4. I feel like that's something that really has to be done in baby-steps/you'd have to be okay with the fact that they may never call you the name you want to go by Rolling Eyes On my end, it's been ten years, but most of my family calls me "Jana Kandi," and that's really the most I can ask of them. One of my friends that I've known since childhood still calls me "Jana," so you kind of just have to go with it. Sorry I don't have any better advice to offer XD
    May 25th, 2015 at 04:33pm