Scars - Comments

  • Hahah @Airi
    Thats what happen to my sister, she was with me on the bunk bed when we fell, show broke her left arm. Lucky we had a doctor who live next door to us.
    June 2nd, 2015 at 07:18pm
  • Oh man. I fell off a bunk bed when I was like six but I got way more than a scar. Broke my right arm and had to have it put in a cast. Fairly talented for a fix year old, I'd say haha. :P

    I don't have many scars... At least ones that are very noticeable. I guess the one that makes me feel self conscious is the one on my left arm. It's barely seeable thanks to my pale skin but I still know it's there so it makes me self conscious. It's actually a self inflicted scar so I guess it holds a lot of negative feelings whenever I do happen to notice it.

    I also have a small scar on one of the fingers on my right hand. This one was just purely stupid. x) We got new scissors at work and being as brilliant as I am, I decided to grip the blade when I was trying to cut something out, proceeding to slice open my finger like an hour into my shift. I later learned that they were razor edge scissors we were given. Would have been awesome to know that before I gripped the razor edge blade. -.- The good part about it is that it convinced me to buy some of those scissors since it sliced so cleanly and quickly through my skin. They work great for their intended purpose of sewing. xP
    June 2nd, 2015 at 05:03am
  • I have so many. Literally every where. All of them are from self harm sadly :(.
    June 2nd, 2015 at 01:48am
  • oh damn, haha I just cringe on everything, but yes, I even remember, I went to visit some family friends in boston, they had a rope swing, by their driveway. I was swinging and a car was coming, I couldn't brake with my barefeet. I just drop myself and the rope just burn around my wrist. And oh my god did it ever burn.

    Its true, everyone has their own scars and make them unique haha.
    June 1st, 2015 at 07:00pm
  • OMFG Oh man, breakages and splits and the sort make me feel all giddy. Twitch

    I guess battle scars make us's strangely interesting to read about experiences gained by others for something lost or broken.

    Scars...I don't actually have many noticeable scars at all. The only one I've noticed is a small slice on the right palm of my hand by my thumb. It's just permanently white and feels a bit bumpy/rough if you run a finger over it; nothing scary (I don't even remember how I obtained it). I kind of like it though; especially as it's on my writer's hand. I feel like it only makes my writing hand more unique.
    Is that weird? Think

    In terms of injuries I actually believe I pulled something out of its socket or rightful place in my right leg once when I tried to quickly get up from sitting on the floor once I had tied my shoelaces. I tried to get up in one swift moment, heard a crack and oops went my leg. I couldn't straighten it at all, it was pretty darn scary. I had to hop to the couch and let it rest with a pack of frozen peas on top for a few hours before mum came back and encouraged me to try very hard to straighten it. So I clenched my teeth and just went for it in one quick moment. Thank God it snapped back in place, although it was pretty sore for a while afterwards!
    June 1st, 2015 at 06:30pm
  • #3 caused me to cringe.

    I have a scar on my right side. I was born premature with a collapsed lung, so they had to go in and inflate it. Also, due to being premature, I had tons of stuff hooked up to me, so I have a bunch of small practically invisible scars scattered across my body.

    I have another scar on my back from where I had a mole removed, though for the longest time I thought it was from when I had fallen off a door (don't ask) and landed on the edge of my friends dresser.

    There is a tiny scar under my boob (sorry probably TMI) from when this girl somehow jabbed me with her fingernail during a basketball game.

    My biggest scar is on my leg and I got that from surgery when they had to go in and fix my broken bones.

    I also have a few burn scars because I'm an idiot and sometimes I don't pay enough attention when I'm baking.
    June 1st, 2015 at 05:23pm
  • Those sound really painful! I can only think of two scars -- I fell off some stilts when I was younger and took a chunk out of my knee! And the other is from when I touched a hot iron when I was very little.
    June 1st, 2015 at 04:41pm
  • Most of my scars are from my parrot haha. I have a little moon shaped one beneath my lip from his beak, and many many others on my hands. I have a few chickenpox scars too and one on the side of my head from stitches I got after falling over when I was young. I... think that's all of them haha.
    June 1st, 2015 at 04:20pm