Is It Always so Quiet? - Comments

  • capheus

    capheus (100)

    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    It is a bit slow, I don't really mind I'm not online too much though.
    I do love femmeslash, haven't read a lot of it on Mibba though. Only slash.
    June 3rd, 2015 at 05:08pm
  • Airi.

    Airi. (2240)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    I've mostly been lurking Mibba these last few weeks/months but the site has been a little slow as of late. Then again, Mibba has never been this terribly active site. Mibba has always been a smaller site with less activity than people tend to expect. ^.^ It's a nice little site though with a good community. It's just a bit inactive at the moment. c:

    I read femmeslash. c: It's usually the only type of romance I'll read since it's hard for me to connect with a het or slash story. If the story is really good though, I'll probably give it a chance regardless of the coupling. ^.^
    June 3rd, 2015 at 08:14am
  • smile kailyn

    smile kailyn (100)

    United States
    Your blog layout is so sick, I love it!

    Anyway, yeah, the whole site has kind of died the last year or two ago when it was revamped. It used to look entirely different, blogs were called journals, there was a chatroom... The journals were INSANE. Even during the wee hours of the night, they were bumpin, haha.

    It's still nice and I'm sure very nice for people who don't know what it was like before, but it's kind of meh for me. I think it still has potential, though. Over the weekend, the blogs tend to get busier.

    Welcome to Mibba, and I hope your stomach feels better!

    I love femmeslash. Tongue
    June 3rd, 2015 at 06:21am
  • the dalliance.

    the dalliance. (305)

    United States
    Welcome to Mibba!

    Let me start out by saying your blog layout is the BOMB.

    There is usually a lot more blogs happening but the last two to three days it has been kinda slow. Blogs are a great way of getting to know others and in general striking up a conversation.

    I promise we have no cliques but one big community of lovely people. Cute

    I dabble in slash on occasion and there is a niche for that genre on Mibba (so you'll fit in just fine with your writing).

    If you have any questions feel free to drop a comment or PM me. Smile
    June 3rd, 2015 at 06:06am