Pure Venting - Comments

  • @ signoralala
    No problem hun, you deserve all the happiness in the world! Hug
    June 7th, 2015 at 02:52pm
  • @ Xiaholic
    Thank you so much!
    It was so nice of you to comment. I was sure that no body would. Lol
    And, thank you I'll try that bathroom idea. I've never tried that before actually.
    Just, really ... thank you so much!! Arms
    June 7th, 2015 at 07:12am
  • Ohh Sorry Big hugs for you! Hug
    I am truly sorry for what you went through, nobody should have to go through that and I feel angry and upset through reading this so I can't begin to imagine how you feel.
    I just wanted to remind you that it's okay not to believe in love, and nobody should blame you. In truth, I don't believe in love either and I believe it's because I'm scared of it due to a negative experience in the past.

    I think that it'll be a very difficult, challenging time when your visit to your friend starts to dawn on you, but I also think it's a new opportunity; and although a new opportunity does hold a possibility of going not so well, there's also every chance that it could turn out ten times better than you imagined.

    Can I tell you something? It's a bit random really, but lately I've been struggling with work a lot. Everyone is nice, and the job's quite easy, but I keep having these panics in simple social situations. I won't go into detail, but basically my intention of sharing this was to reveal my "safe-house" to block myself away from everyone else when I need to have a good sob and calm down: the bathroom. It's such a brilliant excuse because nobody can really question you unless you take quite a long time, but it gives you a good five minutes or so just to escape and calm yourself should you need to. If anybody asks where you've been, all you need to say is the truth and it's perfectly unsuspicious or unrevealing of our weakness.
    But who knows, maybe everything will really turn out better than you think so you might not need to hide in the bathroom as such; but I suppose it's comforting to think that it's always there just in case. Though, of course, it depends how many bathrooms and people the accommodation has! But even so, I should think it wouldn't often be in use.

    Wishing better thoughts and feelings for you soon, and although I so wish I could be of more help I'm always open for a chat anytime.
    June 7th, 2015 at 02:22am