Shirts. - Comments

  • @ Fantasy Writer Hina
    I have seen girls in shirts where their nipples will show if you're taller than them. I think a big problem is also the companies that make these things. Stop making them, they won't have access with or without parent permission to dress like that. A way I try to explain to people is like "if they look like they're going to a club, they're not dressed appropriately". Has literally nothing to do with sexualizing, I don't think. There's like something wrong with every angle we can come from about wanting to protect kids and make sure they're dressed proper :(

    @ The God of Mischief.
    Yes! I can't handle the arguments about shaming or sexuializing bodies that shouldn't be because soooooo many of these KIDS that are 16 or younger want to even lie and say they are older. I have a friend who is now 17 but when she was like 12, 13, 14 she looked 19, 20, 21 and she hung out with all of her older sister's friends and was able to go into shops and get tattoos and her parents pretty much turned a blind eye. She always did/does drugs, too, and it's just so sad because there's got to be loads of kids - whether the parents are active in their can and can't do's - that act like this.
    June 26th, 2015 at 01:02am
  • @ Divergent
    I don't think you sound shaming at all! What it comes down to is that, if we're being gender fair in a world where boobs are sexualized the way they are, girls shouldn't wear shorts shorter than guys nor tops that they fall out of: if only for their own saftey in the long run of it. I've never seen so many girls who want to pretend that they're 25, 26, 27. -sigh-

    @ Fantasy Writer Hina
    I'd say the media in general, unfortunately. Pop stars wear next to nothing, most celebrities (even young ones, of course and again) wear little to nothing, and "Being hot" is all about taking your top off (regardless of gender) and not having acne. Facepalm
    June 25th, 2015 at 11:46pm
  • And when they find some creep perverted person who "praises them for looking good," and the whole world finds out they've been putting themselves out online like that, it'll be Amanda Todd all over again. Not saying that she deserved the hate she got, and the kids that do that stuff do, too, but when the damage is done, the parents will wonder how it happened and why their kids are getting so much negative attention that the kids deem positive (until they get sexually abused or something). I see some preteen girls, or maybe they were eightish, wearing extremely short skirts and skimpy shirts (V-cuts, shirts that have small slits over the chest area where if you look down at them at the right angle, you can see the girls' bra, or "cleavage", etc) the other day and I witnessed some guy staring at the little girls in a pervertedlike manner, and woman chaperoning them didn't seem to notice anything. Honestly, I'm kinda blaming shows like Dance Moms because the girls on there dress a little... "maturely," and those girls are only like ten to thirteen or something within that age group.
    June 25th, 2015 at 08:05am
  • I definitely agree with you! And many people would say that line about sexualizing young bodies but, I have seen my fill of 12, 13, 14, 15 year olds sexualizing their own bodies. I wasn't one of them, but I did get myself involved with older guys much like this kids tend to do and jesus, it's like they don't get that what they're doing is going to be damaging. And the lack of parental guidance in some instances just blows me away.

    I'm down for shorts and tank tops but no child needs to be wearing a push-up bra that peeps out from a tank top that is two sizes too small and shorts from which private parts may well pop out upon bending over. I really hope this comes out the right way and doesn't make me sound like I'm shaming or anything.
    June 25th, 2015 at 07:51am