Have You Ever Wished Someone Only the Very Best? // Hey, Mark - Comments

  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    YES! MArk is awesome! A friend of mine on here introduced me to him. i May not watch his videos very often but I do enjoy watching them when i do. ^^
    June 29th, 2015 at 06:20am
  • niklitera

    niklitera (200)

    @ Xiaholic
    Markiplier has done something music hasn't ever been able to do for me, which is moving past my problems. Music made them real, made me face them until I sometimes went a little too insane when overthinking. I cried a lot. Mark makes me cry of laughter, and it feels much better than being sad because I don't have the body I desire. I only wish for him the best.

    @ The Alpha's Angel
    He truly is.
    June 28th, 2015 at 11:12pm
  • AngelicWasteland;

    AngelicWasteland; (100)

    United Kingdom
    Markiplier is awesome!
    June 28th, 2015 at 11:04pm
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    I feel like I can really understand this kind of wish/feeling to have towards someone who you look up to/makes you feel so happy.

    Bless you for wishing the very best for him, I just want to hug you for your sweetness. Hug
    Although I haven't watched many of Mark's videos, I did watch a few and I agree that he seems a dedicated, sweet and utterly hilarious man.

    I think I can relate this feeling between myself and the one guy who I see as an 'idol' in a way...it's not that I want to become him; not an idol in that sense, but just...a figure to which I hold great admiration and appreciation. In other terms I could call him a God, but I understand that's quite controversial and I only mean it in a sense of looking up to him for inspiration and hope.
    That's why I thought I could really relate here. Cute

    Whenever he sings I get tingles and chills every time! I also really (friend)ship him with another group member of his, though they all get along so well but their personalities just visibly click in a mutually caring yet light-hearted way - it's absolute magic to watch.
    If I ever saw him in the flesh I think I'd cry and melt on the spot. lmfao

    P.S. The title GIF is just adorable! How sweet! Omg the feels. Sorry
    June 28th, 2015 at 10:59pm