Kiss My Slide-up Keyboard and New Hair - Comments

  • @ deathXbeforeXdisco
    My favorite phone was my last one. It was a Pantech Verse and the keyboard slid up from the bottom inside of the side. I had an advantage with the small keys because I have tiny fingers. XD I loved it, but when I switched to my current phone, when they went to transfer my pictures, the only one that I got was my background picture. I could have swore that thing was almost indestructible until the outer keys stopped working (The QAZ etc.).

    The upsetting thing with having an iPod Classic is the fact that they discontinued it last year; I have no idea if any new iOS updates were released for it. I would have preferred one of those over my Touch any day though; more gigs equals more music. I'm just hoping that the current music app is similar to a beta and will hopefully be revised just a tad bit; every iOS update now include iPads, iPhones, iPod touch, and the Apple Watch. I mean, yes, it is much simpiler to combine the update altogether, but at the same time it makes things a lot more complicated for certain people. Sorry, I'm rambling.

    Thank you so much for the compliment! It makes my day. Arms Due to the fact that my freedom that I have while I'm living with my cousins is limited (I'm going back home on the 22nd) I don't know if I'll be able to do my hair again anytime soon; I'd love to highlight it again though; I like how the blond suits me a little bit. I've thought about dying it though, but I like my natural color. Sure, I'd like to get it highlighted again, (even if it's over-highlighted like now) but I don't think I'll be dying it anytime soon. Again... I'm rambling.
    July 12th, 2015 at 10:08pm
  • I have a smartphone and I love it, just as much as I hate it. I like it cause it's handy with all the apps and I love playing the games and stuff on it, but, it chews so much battery, and if something goes wrong it becomes a big drama. It's really annoying that way.
    My favourite phone I've ever had was a Nokia something-something-something. It was a slide-up one and it was amazing. Internet costed big bucks so I didn't use it, but it lasted for ages. I used to go horse riding and it would fall out of my pocket, but it would still work perfectly. And I stabbed it with a knife countless times and never a problem. It went for ages... and had so many messages and pictures saved...

    Your explanation of the newest Apple update scares me. I've got an iPod Classic and it hasn't been connected to the internet in about 4 years, so I'm really scared to update it now :S I have my fingers crossed for the next update for you though :)

    Your hair looks awesome, and you're pretty ^_^ Do you think you'll do anything else with it? Have you ever dyed/thought about dying it?

    Happy Birthday for the 14th!!
    July 12th, 2015 at 02:34pm