Staying Strong. - Comments

  • This was so heartbreaking to read but you know what shocked me the most?
    The ending which shows your strength to come back round fighting. I really wasn't expecting to why I'm not really sure. Could be because when I talk about sad things I normally dwell on them and never add positivity to them or something but I don't know really. Think

    Bless you for getting through all of that, what a nerve-wracking and deeply saddening set of events.

    I was so glad to hear that the horses survived that collision in the trailer; held my breath for a moment there.

    Forgive me for being nosy but I wondered if you have any pics of Raja at all?
    I just adore horses and would love to see her!
    It's a (pretty pathetic) dream of mine to one day jump a horse. I only ever did trots over poles/trotting/cantering...the longest hack I ever went on was one of the most exhilarating, freeing things I've ever experienced. I was so tempted to ask to gallop as we cantered across the open fields of the Great Park but I don't think we'd have been allowed before being properly prepped.

    Another thing I would like to ask about, so again - please forgive my curiosity, is how are you coping with your social anxiety? What methods do you use to feel more confident and in control, and see or talk to people without that unnerving, dreadful feeling?

    May your mother rest in peace - I could bet that she'll be looking down on you with a great big smile; you've come so far, been through so much and done so well.

    I'll share with you one of the cutest horses I ever met on a farm during the holidays...I still miss him although I never rode him; only fed and showered with affection. tehe
    July 27th, 2015 at 07:28pm