Please Help..? - Comments

  • mibbba

    mibbba (100)

    United States
    I read through your story. When ever some one new speaks you need to start a new paragraph. heres the first paragraph in chap 2 re-spaced out.

    I had to report to the principles office to prove I was at school. I and and my Mum passed through the corridors and headed towards the office. We saw one of the students, Gerard sitting out side the office. Mum knocked on the office door and the lady in the office asked us to come in. There were two desks in the office. One of them was the kind receptionist who was at least over 60 years of age, but she was probley the best receptionist in the whole area. She never misses a single call and always helps out problemed students. Then at the back of the room was another desk. Mrs. Grayson was sitting behind the desk waiting for us. We quickly walked over to the desk.

    "Your Here!" Mrs. Grayson snapped. "And you’re looking rather smart, that’s a first." My mum couldn’t believe what she was hearing but nodded her head agreeing.

    "Thanks. But I think I looked better how I was, Thank You" I replied rather cheekly! My Mum glanced over at me.

    "But your here that’s all that really matters," Mum added sounding hopeful.

    "I guess you should go and join you class now," Mrs. Grayson said. "Jane, please take Lyn-Z to her class now" She added. The receptionist Jane stood up from behind the desk and S-L-O-W-L-Y walked over to the door.

    "This way ladies" Jane said.

    It makes it easier to see who's talking when you space it out like that. If you still need any other help let me know...
    and you werent 'suspended'. Just warned. But if you dont fix it, you will be suspended...
    October 9th, 2007 at 04:40pm
  • Judu

    Judu (100)

    New Zealand
    Aswell as making paragraphs, please correct your grammar.
    EG "Jane, please take Lyn-Z to her class now." She added. - should be "Jane, please take Lyn-Z to her class now" she added.
    Thanks (:

    That What The Mod Said.
    Its Rather COnfussing Me..
    October 9th, 2007 at 12:19pm
  • LudoLove

    LudoLove (100)

    United States
    Did you see what the mod told you to fix?
    October 9th, 2007 at 12:17pm