Dear Diary | Little Things That Make Me Happy - Comments

  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    Yes! I finally got round to listening to JB's new tune thanks to this blog! tehe
    My friend and I were talking about it earlier.
    I've never disliked the guy but I've never paid a lot of heed to him either, I'm impressed with his most recent songs though!

    That interview's so different but in a good way; so open and casual! I really like that the interviewer/show host clearly supports JB and encourages people to look at him in a more positive light, and I think that will help at least a little because I do believe that a lot of people from the general public might have just joined the hate bandwagon for the fun of it...I knew several people like this when I was at school. Facepalm What's most important and helpful is the wise and heartfelt words that JB confessed. Feels weird saying this as part of the general public but I really do think that people in general need to focus more on love than hate. If they hate something, that's fine, but they shouldn't let what bothers them stain their life (and lives of others)! Where is the logic?
    I loved the humour and hippie vibes from the interview. Crazy Thanks for sharing!

    You're so healthy to drink water! I'll need to follow you up on that when I go to uni to a) save money, and b) stop my dentist from warning me about the acid in almost everything else there is to drink. Weird
    September 5th, 2015 at 10:28pm
  • dawn of light

    dawn of light (100)

    United States
    I know the feeling about dad driving you rather than taking the bus hahahaha

    this is good, relatable list yo

    And let's not forget about those days where we finally get out of our jeans after a long day ahhhhh only me?
    September 5th, 2015 at 08:49pm
  • losing control.

    losing control. (4250)

    Board Moderator
    I love this list of things tehe
    September 5th, 2015 at 06:12pm