Calling All Supernatural Fans! - Comments

  • A7Xknifemaster

    A7Xknifemaster (100)

    United States
    @ Xiaholic
    Thank you, thank you. I already feel that I will enjoy it just from what you said about you reading it. ^_^

    Haha yes, my granny is awesome. She's just as obsessed with them as me and my 15 year old cousin lol. She likes Walking Dead, I got her to watching that one. I think she watches Grimm. And things like Castle, Firefly, Once upon a time. I'm not sure what else, she has a very wide variety of things she likes to watch.

    And I'm soo sad for you that Supernatural doesn't air where you are! I wouldn't know what to do with myself. But I mainly watch it on Netflix or online somewhere anyway. You could try that.
    October 20th, 2015 at 12:03am
  • Unown

    Unown (190)

    United Kingdom
    I quite enjoyed reading this book during my lunch breaks at work. I remember how cosy it made me feel to be tucked away in the safety of my car while rain pelted down and thunder shook the ground outside one day while reading about their travelling in the sub-zero temperatures. It's a quick read but it's entertaining nonetheless, and I think that the author captures the personalities of the boys well.

    I'm afraid I don't read much fan-fiction so I don't have anything good to suggest there non-published-wise. Hope you find something though!

    Also, that's really cool that your gran got you into it! I can slightly relate because it was my dad who suggested the show to me when he first saw it playing on TV. Supernatural sadly stopped showing for UK TV as far as I know, so we're patiently awaiting the latest UK DVDs to come!

    My dad's such a TV nerd...he was also the first to take a liking to Grimm, Arrow, Flash, The Walking Dead, Penny Dreadful...he likes 24 and Games of Thrones a lot too. He teases me for liking all of these 'shows involving lots of death and creepiness' but he's the one who introduces me to them. Whistle
    Is your gran a fan of any other similar shows?
    October 17th, 2015 at 11:50am