Getting Mehndi/Henna as a Spaniard - Comments

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    September 29th, 2023 at 06:16am
  • Yay okay! Can you email me so that I can go ahead and get our manager in the loop? This way they can introduce themselves, give some ideas on anything that needs to be cleaned up, assign an editor, etc. Cute
    October 20th, 2015 at 07:41pm
  • @ raven reyes
    Oh, thank you. I'd love to do an article. Honestly, anything that could let me talk about good things from my country is nice.
    October 20th, 2015 at 09:57am
  • Omg no don't be sorry that was GREAT. Honestly would clap if this was spoken. I think that the idea of passing is also crap but that so often it is a reflex because of the way the majority treats minorities. As for everything else I probably knew like two of those things... America doesn't teach us anything without centring ourselves. The white selves I guess. *deflates into puddle*

    At The Pulp Zine for November our theme is culture and I would really love if you would be willing to do some work on this comment of yours and actually post it as an article??? Like this is so important and I think readers would love to learn all the answers to these questions and see that yeah there were shit Spaniards, but like everyone else there was also good that gets overshadowed. Would you be interested in doing that even? Ah, that was just really 100%
    October 20th, 2015 at 06:34am
  • @ raven reyes
    I'm sorry, I got carried away, but I really needed to say that.
    October 20th, 2015 at 12:00am
  • @ raven reyes
    It's really just - well, I'm white, but because I'm a huge mix. I am the whitest thing you will ever fucking see and yet I'm Spanish. I'm Hispanic. People in airports talk to be in German or sometimes even in Norwegian. But I am Soanish. 100%.

    And I may be white but you speak a single word against Arabs based on general and ignorant assumptions and I will fuck you up. Because it is MY culture.

    Passing is bullshit, you can't know anyone based on their skin, hair and eye color, how flat their chests are or whether they wear this or that. I am not cisgender, but people assume I'm a female cisgender because it's the normative. I am not heterosexual, but people assume I am until I tell them otherwise. I am not a white, cisgender, homophobic asshole just because I am white and from a First World Country.

    I get culture aproppriation. I get homophobia. I get transphobia. I get it all save racism. And it pisses me off when people assume I'm an asshole because I'm white and I don't wear a pride flag and scream for transgender rights all the goddamn time.

    Hate is based on ignorance. I always make damn sure to know at least the basics before even ASKING SOMEONE ABOUT IT. And yet there are people who just don't give a damn.

    Half the people I've met from another continent don't even know where Spain is. Hell, some people didn't even know Spain existed. We're known for conquistadores instead of our wide, beautiful contrast of art that we have. Cervantes. Bécquer. Rosalia de Castro. Galdós. Garcilaso de la Vega. Yet people only know us due to the outmost racism we committed four hundred years ago. Oh, and the Inquisition, let's not forget that.

    Do people even bother? Sure! Let's talk about England! France! Italy! Germany! Greece! The States! Australia! Egypt! India! Japan!

    There are so many countries people look over. So many cultures they get wrong. Do people even know what Syria is about? The conflict that is Israel? I am sorry, but the USA has created a hell good lot of those. Spain barely gets by.

    What about the part of Europe no one talks about? The Asia that's basically non existent? Anyone know the difference between an Argentino and a Chileno? No, because it is not important.

    I get that Native Americans get a lot of bullshit, I do, because I have seen what Native American culture aproppriation is and it makes me want to barf. It's taking every little detail and rubbing it through the mud. But now take a look at us Spaniards.

    What do you know about my country? Like, truly know? Do you know about our Civil War? Why we couldn't enter World War II? Why Franco had that dictatorship? Did you know Spain was one of the first countries that legalized gay marriage? Did you know that Spaniards did not actually want to conquer 'The New World' but Hernando Cortés BURNED THE SHIPS SO THEY COULDN'T COME BACK?!

    Did you know that the level of corruption has led to a quarter of the population to rely on minimum wage, and within a quarter of that population, there's the homeless people? Did you know that the social tension makes me fear a goddamn revolution whenever people start protesting at Sol?

    Did you know that besides BarcelonA, not Barcelone, and Madrid, there's also Cádiz and Sevilla and Valencia and Asturias and Castilla? Did you know that, in the south, WHERE I WAS BORN AND RAISED, we have the most liked accent? We are the fun dummies, as people call us, it's the stereotype. We also love fish.

    Spain is more than the conquistador stereotype. We are grumpy. We are indignated over EVERYTHING. We suck at working so when we have to do something, we find the easiest way. But we are also loyal to a fault. We are sttuborn, and passionate, and we value art where people can't see it. We are traditionalists and liberalists. We sing to the sound of a guitar and our own heels, sweating in the cheer of clapping hands and ruffled skirts.

    We are the greatest Mediterranean food, with the outmost variety. We are wine, and olives, and a good laugh while we enjoy the dry summer nights. We are my town, where the smell of sea carries with the most delicate breeze hopes of another clear day.

    I am no, we are not, the mistakes our ancestors made. Do not look at me like your pool cleaner, or like a MEXICAN. I am SPANISH. I AM NOT, AND WILL NEVER BE, ANYTHING MORE OR ANYTHING LESS THAN THAT.
    October 19th, 2015 at 11:55pm
  • I think cultural appropriation should 100% be called out, but because of diversity it's a really hard thing to judge. How do you know when to just shut the fuck up? Like for me... Obviously white passing. So I'm sure some day I'm going to get called out (probably in person because I tell the whole fucking internet that I'm Choctaw).

    But anyways, I'm sorry people have judged you. Honestly, after what the Spanish did to my people I probably would have passed by a blog showing your mehndi or been like ...uh Rn't u white? With all the wealth of knowledge the internet holds, so many of us still only know about our small circles and the things that directly effect us. This blog has really inspired me to try to learn more. If not learn loads, than at least keep up with worldly news or something - know more about people outside of my circle.
    October 19th, 2015 at 06:07am