Cleo's Cauldron - Comments

  • @ raven reyes
    cx lol my work is pretty extensive. i've been mainly working overtime bc it's a family based business & my uncle fucked up his runs so we lost out a lot of money & had a lot of very enraged travel agencies + customers. but it's too bad your mom does that. i think it's a good experience even if it's a lot. the professionalism & the amount of learning that you do is amazing. today was one of my longer days. i had a night shift & got out by 8AM - napped a little lol. then i went to the mall to do a little job hunting (since it's been two years since i've worked for my dad & i'd like to do something for the holidays). but then i had to go back for a board meeting x.x"

    but yes of course you can get both of those! i have no personal trigger warnings i don't think. i get a bit queasy, but im still up to reading whatever you have. & aw, that's sweet of you! (linking on mobile is horrendous omg. mibba make an app)
    October 22nd, 2015 at 07:19am
  • Ooh, this is exciting! I'm so jealous of your work situation even though it seems like a lot of work. My mum will never let the companies she's with take me on when they're hiring. Trick or treat! May I please get Death's Favourite Game and The Banshee's Howl? (Are there any stories with trigger warning that you wouldn't want to do?)

    Please please come to my Mibbaween party and get something! (I'll link from a computer in a bit because its not letting me copy the link on mobile????
    October 22nd, 2015 at 07:00am
  • @ saeglopur
    when that feud went viral, my friend & i (who seriously aren't into that stuff) pulled that "WHAT'S GOOD?" shit for weeks on end, lmao. take pictures, seriously! i'd love to see it! & wow, a dorm party huh? go ham & drink lots of water, lol. & of course you may. i've put you on the list!
    October 22nd, 2015 at 06:53am
  • Trick or Treat! This halloween I'm dressing up as Nicki Minaj and my best friend is going as Miley and we're gonna be their big VMA feud. lol. And I'm throwing my first dorm party so I'm excited for that.

    May I get the banshee's howl for Make You Feel My Love?
    October 22nd, 2015 at 06:49am
  • People all rush to go home, sometimes being reckless making it traffic for everyone -_-
    GAHHH THAT'S SO CUTE tehe Hello Kitty will always be my favorite cat!
    October 22nd, 2015 at 06:32am
  • @ dawn of light
    my goodness, that sounds like a suckish way to even think of halloween. as if shrieking children aren't enough???? then you're stuck w/ shrieking adults bc no one knows how to drive when traffic sets in. but oh my goodness, an emoji! that's so adorable. take pics okies. & of course you may, i'll update the list c: || me on the other hand. well i didn't think i'd be dressing up, but since im working an early shift for halloween, the office is holding a pre-halloween party for those that are working the night before so i went on the meowingtons website bc they had an 80% discount & i bought their cute little halloween kitty set. so i'll be working the AM hours of halloween as a cat & then attending a party @ my bff's house lol. he wants to dance & drink & i just want kit kats.
    October 22nd, 2015 at 06:29am
  • TRICK OR TREAT AYE Twisted Evil
    This Halloween I won't be stuck in traffic (like three years in a row) since it falls on a Saturday this year! I want to dress up like an Emoji but I'm still picking which one!
    Could I get a banshee's howl on this and sins of a soul collector tehe
    October 22nd, 2015 at 06:26am