It only takes one person - Comments

  • Coin-Operated Angel

    Coin-Operated Angel (600)

    United States
    Awww. Jen, people are always gonne be like that in your life. The girl, you should really just sit her don and tell her what reality is. The other guy, whom I know you care about, forget him. If he ignores you and doesn't talk to you, he's not a real friend. A relationship is communicating, not angsting.
    As for the other best friend, tell her what's going on. The truth should be heard Jen, and though it may sting like a bleeding cut being washed, it'll get better with care.
    *huggles* Call me if you need more advice or something. I'm always here for you.
    Love you.
    Miss You.

    October 12th, 2007 at 04:17am
  • Where's Adalia?

    Where's Adalia? (100)

    United States
    Oh wow.
    Sounds like quite the ordeal.
    And sounds very similar to my previous friendship status.
    Hope you have better luck than I did.
    October 11th, 2007 at 07:08am