Happy Thanksgiving? - Comments

  • @ LeavingCalifornia
    Yeah I'm counting down the days until he goes off on his next adventure. I used to think that any girl would be lucky to have my brother, now I hope that he never gets married or at least not until he hits his head or has an epiphany because just yeah. I missed him and then he came here and now I want him gone. Does that make sense? Lol
    November 27th, 2015 at 04:58am
  • @ LeavingCalifornia
    Yeah I'm counting down the days until he goes off on his next adventure. I used to think that any girl would be lucky to have my brother, now I hope that he never gets married or at least not until he hits his head or has an epiphany because just yeah. I missed him and then he came here and now I want him gone. Does that make sense? Lol
    November 27th, 2015 at 04:58am
  • @ Brain Dead Bipolar
    Yikes. That's such a weird situation. I'm sorry that you're dealing with that. Doesn't matter if he doesn't plan on having kids or not.
    That's not fair to how he treats yours.
    You treat them like family not telling them to shut up, that's horrible.
    I'm surprised you haven't kicked him out.
    He sounds like a real knucklehead.
    November 27th, 2015 at 03:28am
  • @ LeavingCalifornia
    Yes, that's all I want to do right now. I want to hide under my blankets and sleep for years.
    My mom had a hand in that. The suggestion was that I share a room with my 8 month old, but she sleeps from 7:30pm until 7am and I am NOT going to screw that one up by trying to go to bed at like midnight. So I finally just told him to take my room. He like, moved all his shit in and I'm just like woah, dude.
    Yeah, I knew he wasn't a kid person, but like... they're his nephews and niece, ya know? Family. Not just some random person's kid.
    I asked him about that. He said he doesn't intend on having kids, and that if he ends up with someone who wants kids, they'll have to deal with adoption or none.
    He used to be cool, but now he's like huge into fitness and all this active stuff and I'm not against that stuff, but he's a wicked tool about it all and it drives me crazy.
    November 27th, 2015 at 03:19am
  • Glad i'm not the only one having a shitty day. I'm trying not to lose my mind at my job. I'm just so annoyed and want to crawl into bed and go to sleep.
    I'm actually surprised you were willing to give up your bed for your brother. No offense, but I wouldn't give up my bed for anyone.
    He should be sleeping on the couch. You shouldn't have to sleep on a couch in your own home.
    And the way he treats your kids, thats sad.
    What's gonna happen when he has kids one day?
    Sorry, but he sounds like a complete douchebag.
    November 27th, 2015 at 03:02am