I'm Really Really Unhappy - Comments

  • You’re feeling of jealousy don’t make you a prick, it’s completely natural. I went through the same feelings when my best friend moved away to go to university. Seeing pictures of her having fun in a new place with new people killed me, I wanted nothing more than to be there with her having fun. But once I was done essentially grieving the close friendship we had, I was able to move on. We were still able to talk, and I was able to make new friends of my own, and then make new close bonds. Same for the jealous feelings with the girl you mentioned.

    Just take a moment to let yourself feel everything, good and bad. And then just process it; ask yourself why exactly you’re feeling like that. From there you should be able to try and start healing.

    I know it may seem silly, but maybe try speaking with a counselor at your Uni? They’re always there to listen and give guidance.

    I hope you’re able to find happiness soon.
    December 3rd, 2015 at 04:16am