Just a Few Words... - Comments

  • GlasgowXsmile

    GlasgowXsmile (100)

    United States
    @ poison and blood
    I'm glad that you are writing stories that have POC, it's extremely hard to read stories on here because of the fact I want more POC. It's truly harmful that we don't have many POC stories on here; and in books. It hinders white people's point of view of POC because they dont see things with them in stories or in movies. ect ect. So I am glad you're writing stories with POC. I will be looking out for them!
    January 8th, 2016 at 01:14am
  • poison and blood

    poison and blood (100)

    United States
    It's shameful that people use the idea of POC writing as hard to do as their excuse. Yes, I am treated differently because of my color of skin and unfortunately, there isn't much I can do about that on the wide spectrum. However, I've been planning several POC stories that I haven't put up yet because it is a important subject and I want to show the same level of respect and admiration (grossly undeserved, too) to POC that I receive because of my light skin and my round eyes.

    There is nothing HARD about it. What scares people is the potency of it and instead of placing it upon themselves to reach out an honor fellow HUMANS, they stick to what they know. That or they just subconsciously prefer their own race. It really is heartbreaking.
    January 7th, 2016 at 11:44pm