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  • @ Irish Prince Nialler
    haha I used to be like that but due to limited space I have to get rid of books... if only I would willingly give them to you... I need to clean through my movies too... but I find movies harder to get rid of haha tehe

    @ dawn of light
    Yeah so far it is pretty good, you should definitely give it a go Cute
    January 8th, 2016 at 09:31am
  • Twitch I can never let books go. The other day, my mom and I was doing a huge cleaning spree around the house and when we got to my room, she was like "you have too many books. Why don't you give some of them away?" And I was like... "No! I can't!!" And that's the truth. I can't. Doesn't matter if I'd never read them again or if I'd read them countless times. I just can't get rid of my books. tehe

    I wish we live close by so I can take your books. I love books. Weird
    January 7th, 2016 at 07:36pm
  • I like your layout tehe

    And that's a very effective idea! Maybe I'll do that as well.
    January 7th, 2016 at 07:28pm