"This Is Heavy" - Comments

  • you literally took the words from my mouth, this is exactly how I feel about FUCT as well ;__; the first album I ever bought with my own money, the first album that ever really gutted me. just reading this made me so emotional <333
    January 26th, 2016 at 06:02am
  • "It will always be there for you, even when you don't know who else will."

    Mine was American Idiot. I was 14. It was the first album I bought out of my own interests and not something I got for Christmas from a family member. And I remember sort of understanding what music could do then, after the millionth time hitting play and reading through the lyrics and wanting to understand every line and crying through Letterbomb for some reason and loving Whatsername and in time, allowing Are We the Waiting to become my favourite off that album. I was too young to really understand what it was about at the time but it made me feel a way I hadn't felt before and after that, I worked on getting the rest of Green Day's albums when I could find them, which without the internet was tough. They may not be my favourite band anymore but my oh my did they shape me to be who I am today.
    January 18th, 2016 at 08:31am