Heartache - Comments

  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    I'm not saying cut your friend out, but maybe separate yourself a little bit more. Make friends that she doesn't know / know her and really flesh out those friendships. If you're feeling inadequate next to her, then take a few steps back and try just being you by yourself.

    I've been in your shoes and it's really hard. I know what it's like to be overlooked for other people and to not have the same experiences as typically pretty girls, but you've got to establish that kind of stuff on your own, so that way when something like this happens, you're okay and you know that it's not because of anything about you.

    And trust me, there's more to the world than boys. They're a big part of it and it hurts when they don't see you, but you have to learn to base who you are on more that what they think of you. It's hard to get them out of your head, but when they become something you want rather than something that affects you so much, things like this will be easier. :)

    I hope that was helpful and not too cynical. You could always just tell her how you're feeling. She's your best friend and if you're not comfortable telling her or she doesn't put you above him, then maybe you really do need to separate from her a bit.
    February 15th, 2016 at 07:14pm
  • Painted Smiles

    Painted Smiles (100)

    United States
    Ugh, reading your blog literally made me tear up because I've been through this so many times. My best friend is so beautiful, perfect eyebrows, perfect eyeliner, perfect smile. And then there's me. There have been times where people have chosen her over me. To be more specific, boys. Because, there is ALWAYS a boy. And that's okay. Because someday I'll find the boy who doesn't have eyes for anyone but me. (i'm such a hopeless romantic omg sorry) And so will you.

    No matter how tired you are, no matter how much your heart aches, she'll be there no matter what, because while there's always a boy, there's always a best friend, who hopefully, won't intentionally hurt you. Talk to her. Tell her what's truly going on. And if it starts going downhill, back up. Let her realize that your friendship is more important than a boy.

    Good luck. And feel better :)
    January 24th, 2016 at 04:10am